Just Americans period (Johnny and tkachuk too)

It's possible to enjoy both.

I'm not buying stock based on his memes, I'm buying because I like the company. But the memes, dates, tinfoil theories are fun to think about and work through. If you're buying or selling based on interpretation of these things than you're an idiot.

I buy and hold when the price goes under my average. That's my only strategy. Hasn't led me astray so far.

Made $500 off it buying at $9 then having a trailing stop loss on it on the way up. Just bought $500 more GME.

"According to the lawsuit, Defendant Keith Patrick Gill engaged in a pump-and-dump scheme, whereby he pumped the value of GameStop securities starting on May 12, 2024 – then by June 13, 2024, dumped all 120,000 of his GameStop call options for a large profit.".

Lmao, what else is he supposed to do with call options?

Wouldn't get too excited. It works on my browser. I saw a post similar to this today, vpn issue or something maybe it was.

Look at every stock on xrt. Like O'Reilly's automotive. Down 4-5% at one point. It's clear they just shorted the shit out of xrt today off this news. That's their play, any news, short the shit out of the stock.

And what DFV does is market manipulation? Gotcha. This clown makes claims with zero evidence. If I was DFV I'd sue his ass for libel.

But if he sold, I think that puts a massive target on his back that he pumped and dumped GME. Which doesn't make sense.

They keep spouting off how they live "rent free" in Chucky's head. Yeah. I'm sure that's what's happening here. He's clowning on them and they think he's obsessed with them.

Nah I already know what he'll say, because he'll say what I've heard others say. Basically that I'm "lucky" or some shit. Despite all the research I've done and patience/resilience I've shown when I bought the dip to bring me down from about $35 down to $19 average.

Not obligated at all no. But can be pissed off about the situation. Two years of his contract got burned, because he was understandably dealing with personal issue, then doesn't resign once he comes back. It would be no different if he had a 2 year knee injury or something, I'd still be annoyed losing 2 years of play from a guy, then he moves on for greener pastures.

I can acknowledge it's not for everyone. People have different risk tolerances, goals, etc. I tried telling a buddy of mine to grab even 1 share just for kicks, not interested. His risk tolerance is only to invest in index ETFs, but I can't blame him, he's probably got about $1m-$2m eventually coming in as an inheritance and has already received probably half a million from family to date. He's rich, he doesn't need a lotto ticket to retire at 55 like the rest of us.

Yep. Like why marky wasn't gone at deadline is beyond me. Not like we got a haul for him now.

You're completely right. You can have an opinion on it. Doesn't make it a well-informed one. There's a lot of stupid opinions out there.

It doesn't, because this is a ranking on liveable cities. I've been to tons of cities that are better than Calgary to travel to for a weekend. Doesn't mean they're any good to live in.

You sound pretty qualified to comment on the subject then. Appreciate your input.

A lot of people (not everyone) who bitch about it have probably only ever lived here.

This article contradicts the message they're trying to put out there.

The only way this "hurts" shareholders is if you think the share offerings killed MOASS. I personally don't know if it did. I think it's just as likely that the price was going to come back down anyways, and RC just took advantage of the liquidity and moderately high share price at the time.

But what I'm trying to say is their only argument for this hurting shareholders is admitting that MOASS is still on the menu which they also claim to be dead.