I believe he really was in Valhalla. He just need to pass the trials like Kratos so we could see him again sometime.

But since he has a LOT more inner demons to conquer, that will take him a while.

Okay. Can we get an option to select full profile as a default so we would not click two times everytime?

Lasers are still one shot and they appear only on one(!) mission type.

Sortie radiation hazard is one of 19 different modifiers and there are pretty low chances it would appear at all only once per day, not mentioning a mission type that can be ruined because of it.

Radiation Eximus and Jade Eximus can appear anywhere, so this is a tie-breaker.

Very doubtful. Radiation status is just another option for griefing objectives, e.g. defense or mobile defense missions.

If it can be griefed, there will be people who will intentionally do it. The same problem with Jade Eximus. And w/o kick option or meaningful matchmaking system, it will just destroy public lobbies.

Through stacking status procs on one gun with Galvanized Shot:

  1. Radiation from Nukor itself.
  2. Magnetic from Kuva element. It was sligtly buffed with the update. And it cannot stack with other elements.
  3. Electricity status proc form magnetic
  4. Heat mod for Cascadia Flare (easier to stack than Secondary Merciless)
  5. Viral/Corrosive mods
  6. Microwave innate invisible status from Nukor that enlarges body parts.

With 6 status procs, galv shot could yield up to +720% bonus damage, plus +480% from Cascadia Flare at max rank.

Nukor is one of the best primer guns, but it's so good you can use it as a main weapon.

Time limit/shrinking zone.

Equal supplies.

No rope ladder, only cannon boarding.

Magnetic Nukor still shreds through everyone.

You ask me why wouldn't you try? I am not a telepath, mate. Nothing stops you, apart from fact that players might thing you're douche enough to ambush them mid-selling.

But even that is hardly possible to do with captained ships, unless they are Reapers.

You wait, or you park at the opposite side.

The main thing is, it has grief potential and as long as it exists, it will be abused. Purposefully even. That's why it should be tweaked so that objective don't get damage from it.

Rad sortie? Yeah, sure it exists, but only on sorties. Jade Eximus can be anywhere.

I would gladly use this to troll and ruin as many defense missions as I can play to turn people's attention to it. The longer defense wave, the better.

As in expressing negative opinion is not encouraged these days. For some reason.

You seriously comparing 1v1 to 4PvE? You understand that you're actually discouraging co-op gameplay in co-op game, only to defend questionable dev choices? You see logic in there? 'Cuz I don't.

Can someone explain what happened in the video?

Gara and Garuda. Found their skillsets and dependence on stat sticks rather difficult and boring.

Is it the same institution that cannot decide about the winter/summer time law all these years? If yes, then why bother?

The capitalists are bending to the consumers desire for more convenient options?

What about social engineering? Manipulating masses opinion, to bend it like they want? They mastered and perfected this field of science frighteningly well to a point this sounds like an absurd. Too bold for you to put all responsibility on us alone.

Kahl-themed PvP (substitution for or just better Conclave)

Dark Sectors

Hunters (Stalker, G3, Zanuka) scaling with both your MR and node level.

Updated Trials

Third orb

Amps included in loadouts.

Resource drone QoL

Old operations as quests (Scarlet Spear, Orphix Venom, Ambulas Reborn, etc.)

"Hide crafted/mastered" button

Foundry item filters

Updated & fixed Codex

Early game rework

Old corpus ship tileset nodes

New Nightwave season

Sergeant rework

I hope you're not speaking so pretentiously irl.

Wally is WIP. Nothing can be said for certain until whole story is concluded.

I know he is the first one. That doesn't make PrimExcal any prettier. That wouldn't stop DE from actually try to design an alternative skins for older primes (up to Volt, in my opinion). I highly doubt they have legal obligations to Founders in that matter. Even Founder contract is probably a bust.

But thank you for your opinion, yet I would still put disrespect as I see fit.