We used to cook a whole hog at my fraternity on game day. Man what I’d do to have that back

Man do I miss going to ECU and being near that bbq. I’m back in Charlotte and stuff here isn’t bbq at all

I am 30 and am on job 7, technically. All jobs post college. Pre college I’d be on job 10

Looks like a lot of people sittin’ around, waiting for an airplane

I’m sure you’re referring to the JJ Cale version, but I’m hoping you’re referring to the widespread panic cover lol

You’re in the south brother, we’re closed minded folk.

You have an 85 on a scorecard and can’t control the yardage. I’d count it.

Turning 30 in a few days and not mad about it

I hear so many friends and peers talk about how they feared turning 30 (obviously an exaggeration but I’m sure you’ve also heard that) and how they wish they can stay in their 20s. Honestly for me, my 20s were kind of ass. I had a really hard time figuring out what I wanted in life after college, plus I was a broke 20 something year old paying student debt with a career I didn’t enjoy at all. I also had a lot of bad habits like excessive drinking, smoking a lot of devils lettuce, bad eating, etc.. I still have most of those habits just on a much smaller scale.

I’m sitting here now procrastinating from doing my job that I actually don’t mind and just kind of realized the future looks like a lot brighter than the past does. Sure, with age comes things that are tough to deal with but that’s life. I think about what I have been able to accomplish from 20-29 and truly get excited to think about what I can do while I’m in my 30s.

It’s crazy because I definitely thought I’d be the person saying I’m 29+ not 30 but I’m definitely embracing it which is a pleasant surprise. Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant and shoutout getting old!

You really don’t understand how addiction works.

Apologies if this is a dumb question, feel free to laugh, but why wouldn’t the fire chief let you clean that? I feel like that would have a better chance of starting a fire than a clean top.

You can to view permits. You just access it as a guest. I don’t think it has as much info as a contractor would but you can still see permits pulled and the status I believe.

I’m not here trying to justify the actions, but what did you want to happen when you went through his phone? I’ve been down the road of snooping and realized I was only looking for something to get mad at. You said you recently started talking, understand it takes time for people to move on and you have to be in a legit relationship before those will be deleted. Also just note, don’t send nudes, it’s simply not worth the risk

Couldn’t agree more. It’s times like this that make me think shrinking the game is potentially better than trying to grow it.

Vanguard kinda sucked. It wasn’t a bad first job out of college, but they were control freaks. Every second was monitored and there was wiggle room with your time if you had something you needed to take care of. It also felt like they knew who they were going to promote and started them into positions. Example I applied for a job that involved training new people. I was there for 2 years, trained many people and did pretty well at it, and they gave the job to someone I trained that was only at the company for 4 months which was less than the minimum requirement. But I know many people still there so if you can drink the koolaid it must not be all that bad to everyone.

If it’s part time just add ask your manager to work with your schedule or look for a new job. 3 days off a month is 36 days a year, I’d be shitting bricks if I was given that many days off for my full time job.

Haha his name is Anthony zappitelli from Gastonia NC. I don’t know him personally just saw the article.

Congrats! The salary is great but putting in the time and being disciplined to get there is so rewarding. Very well deserved!