Is 'pandering' the right word to use? I thought the student loan stuff was just common sense measures which hadn't yet been implemented.

Okay, but there's like... a lot of Markiplier to watch.

What were you planning on watching?

I was expecting a completely over-the-top monster for the second candidate to exaggerate and highlight the current perspective.

This is just a disappointingly basic "both candidates are old (and therefore the same)" comic.

With some weird porny bait characters at the end.

🏳️‍⚧️ trans rights

It's Nickelback hate for the people who weren't old enough for Nickelback.

So whatever reasons the Nickelback haters had, it's the same for Imagine Dragons.

Dang. Double-click and drag feels weird. I've always just single-click and dragged whether I was highlighting whole words or fragments.

Very neat to learn though!

Fan fiction can take many forms, from wish-fulfillment and self-insertion, to a means to add depth to something that the author may have had great fondness for, yet found ultimately shallow.

It could be a fix-fic, the creator's answer to the question of "Why didn't they do this instead?"; or a what-if, the creator asking the simple "What if..." question and exploring everything that could result from that.

It can be extended life support for something which may have ended before its time or it could be a lens, a way to look at things from a new perspective.

In this case, it's a lens, and that lens is The Simpsons, and it's aimed at depression, with the protagonists being well-known sad tavern owner Moe Szyslak and the woman who's trying to help him survive.

It's a great work so far, and I'd like to see more, though I fully understand the creator's decisions regarding it.

I hope you're doing well, and that things continue well for you, Kiddiejah/Kiddie_Jukes.

That electricity ain't free! Where's the money coming from?

The real balance is work/life/money.

Steady work, spare money for his hobbies and interests... apart from the overweight cat and loneliness, John seems to have it pretty good.

And taking public transport means he'd be saving a bunch on car costs.

Maybe some long-dead devout of the area that became the West Weald wanted to show off how devout they were and had two shrines built to the Divines, but somebody else had to be better and built three of them nearby.

Well, okay...

But the registration fee had better be less than the last one I signed up for!

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Awww. Poor snake. :(

🏳️‍⚧️ trans rights

The Clockwork Quartet? I think they've only done like 2 or 3 songs.

I wouldn't call it new music, but all music's new if you haven't heard it before.

So the more important question to me, is the guidance that a human gives to AI art (in the form of a prompt) significant enough to consider it art?

I'd have to say no, on the basis that people have paid and guided other people to make stuff in the past and it's been the creator of the work, rather than the commissioner, who was credited as the artist. Just look at Francesco del Giocondo and Pope Julius II.

Started happening to me today on Firefox as well.

🏳️‍⚧️ trans rights

There's a version of #1 I found that included some NSFW Libertarian ERP  on it.

God knows why I bookmarked it, they're not even a rattlesnake.

🏳️‍⚧️ trans rights

Does he actually look like that, or is that image digitally enhanced?

Hi again.

The main issue with your advice was that it was: (a) telling them that they have no excuse for struggling, and; (b) telling them that they need discipline.

As you should remember from your own struggles, discipline isn't something that you can just get. It's something you have to work toward, and once you've achieved it, it's something that needs to be maintained.

You told them what they needed, but didn't offer any actual advice as to how to get it. Your advice could have been a post on r/restofthefuckingowl except that you didn't even give them a circle to start with.

What you should have done was thought back to when you were developing your discipline, remembered some of the steps you took to become disciplined, and put those in your comment.

As far as the medication thing goes, your original advice didn't include any mention of it, and carried the implication that you only used discipline to manage your ADHD.

Yes, you later mentioned that you regularly took ADHD medication, and that it was only a 6-hour dose of medication at the start of the day for work, but your original advice didn't include it at all, because you didn't feel that it was relevant.

But don't you remember before you were diagnosed and medicated, how much more effort it took to get through your work day? How much extra energy you spent just keeping your mind on the job?

Even though your medication may have worn out by the time you get home, you're still benefiting from it, even if it's only in the form of having less stress due to not struggling as much at work, and leaving it out of your original comment does a disservice to people who are taking ADHD raw from sunup to sundown.

I'm not trying to make it sound easy.

Then you probably should have chosen to phrase it some way other than: " You most certainly can clean your house unless you're physically incapable."