:clemson: :texasam: Clemson • Texas A&M

Come on buddy. We win one this year and there’s a literal war. Let Ewers win. We take back Texas and kill Manning like 63-10 the next year. I’ll take that at any point

Haha as soon as I saw that first picture I knew this was definitely a criminal cat! Glad she was brought to justice by her new warden.

Without seeing that from OP I would’ve said NC State Mom. Then I saw the tag from Canadia. Then I saw the title. It’s definitely incest mom before nicest mom.

UK Shameless was so much better imo. No offense to the guys/gals playing them but Frank, Lip and Fiona were tons better on the UK version. But I absolutely loved Kevin and V on the US version.

Rhett and Link have to become more “unhinged” on GMM so I definitely think they’d fit Taskmaster. Even though they suck at it on their own show lmao


And Paul being on mushrooms but having this entire fake story arc lol

American checking in. I like Ricky Gervais (UK), Jim Jeffries (Aussie) and Jo Koy (technically American I think) among others. Lots of people have good routines from all over the world. You just normally see us. Also Taskmaster is a show I watch regularly and the American version sucks imo. But that seems kind of normal for America adopting anything from the UK. The office is the one exclusion I can think of.

Don’t care. Give me some easy cheese and a pack of ritz. I’m good for snack time.

Idk if it’s true or not but I’ve always believed it. We can’t properly digest corn because we lack gizzards. This was like 20 years ago and I’m still latched onto that as a fact. (Granted my wife did like 97% of my biology work in college and we didn’t really have biology like that in my schools)

Skarsgard? Or just Pennywise in general? Cause I was terrified of clowns for ages because of the OG. I had gotten over that fear. Skarsgard was just SOOOO creepy that sort of brought it back. I’m also a huge fan of anything he does so I’m sure that helped.

We desperately needed Bernie. After throwing him under the bus I was so upset that I literally wouldn’t vote for her. I voted Stein even though I knew it was foolish. I won’t ever make that mistake again. Well unless we get ranked choice but spoiler alert we won’t. However many of us who either voted third party or stayed home thought Clinton would crush him.

There was a guy (Sam something) but I believe he was part of the Red Bull X Fighters. He raced there from there from Hatta iirc and drove his motorcycle as far as he could before climbing up there. He was up there with a harness at the end. But the wind was loud and he said the helicopter taking pictures freaked him out. That tells you that Tom Cruise never would’ve never done this with no harness considering what the Red Bull guys have done. Looking at you Robbie Maddison you lunatic!


Hagardy walking in butt ass naked then passing out through the coffee table killed me. I’d say the show is pretty Thundergun!


Randy tossing one of the Bollywood Boys up in the air just for the guy to absolutely plant on the table was hilarious. Plus Randy made this face like “oh shit he’s dead”


Pondy. I thought it was beefcake Rex for a second lol

:clemson: :texasam: Clemson • Texas A&M

clicks pen drink it in maaaannnn!


Wait until Charlie turns 40. The man will be rich!

:clemson: :texasam: Clemson • Texas A&M

Bro that’s Beamer Ball. Not Fuentes Ball.

:clemson: :texasam: Clemson • Texas A&M

That vote gave me more respect than ever for yall. Y’all knew it was a probably a loss and voted to keep one of the nations longest running rivalries in tact. I felt like the grinch that day. That being said. Fuck yall!

ETA: glad Beamer Ball is back. He’s all class. Clemson fans might hate me for this but I’d rather play a one point game over a shutout. (Again Beamer did with class)

:clemson: :texasam: Clemson • Texas A&M

Definitely been stepped on.

:clemson: :texasam: Clemson • Texas A&M

I agree my tiger friend. Also give us horns down!

:wormald:Squat Cobbler Fan:wormald:

We love you vulpy! You’re a meme legend. I just want to hit the lottery to gift you that 10K for a dinner with him lmao.