Any idiots in here willing to explain why they wanna buy Tesla despite the not favorable news? I’m new and genuinely curious

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I see, thanks for this insight bro, definitely not making this mistake again. I also don’t make law but I hope they introduce a first time warning before fine for tricky situation like this.

If I clarify it to you that it’s only 1 lane-wide, car shares the lane to go back and forth so I would still meeting oncoming traffic if I park left would you think it’s a valid reasoning? Plus I’m new to the neighborhood (will provide court rent agreement) and I saw cars sometimes park like I do hence the assumption.


I do notice that, but I only moved into the neighborhood for 2 weeks and alr saw cars that park like I did hence the assumption. (I took this pic right after I was fined). Plus it’s a 1 lane road, I do still drive into oncoming traffic when I park on the left right?


I’m not pleading innocent, if u read all my other replies, I hope to pledge guilty but seeking a find reduction for first offence, plus the nature of this offence is not of high dangerousness as a big road.

I genuinely wasn’t taught by anyone, it is only recently i want to learn for an aus license bc overseas license is soon to not valid. If u wanna help i appreciate it, if ur here just to mock then find something better to do.

That’s unlucky, plus I always thought aus law originate from uk but they prolly made it stricter

Wasn’t taught in my country, like I mentioned in description I don’t do on 2 lane road bc common sense, crossing an opposite traffic is risky. I hope to argue a fine reduction for first offense and that I haven’t get my aus license yet, I genuinely didn’t know that law exist

I wrote in the description that i didn’t know such rule existed, ps im a foreigner and I’m still learning to get aus license

I see that u are more experienced than many commentators here so bro I wanna hear ur genuine advice: I don’t have an aus license, I’m learning to get one soon. My defense would be I genuinely didn’t know such rule exist. I don’t park this way on big road bc it’s common sense that it’s dangerous, this road is small and car drive slow, hence I wish a reduced fine on the basis of low dangerousness. Plus it’s my first time, I know damn sure I wont make this mistake again but I seek for lowering fine than $300. This is more than a +10km speeding I don’t see how the punishment is fair

True but can I appeal under the circumstance that it’s my first offence regarding this issue? on top of that the lane can only fit 1 car that and it’s shared by slowly giving way so I’m not trying to make things dangerous as opposed to big 2 lane road. I see many other ppl here trying to be funny instead of helping, but I’m new and still learning to get my aus license and back then a friend of mine managed to court essay a speeding fine that it was first offence and he wouldn’t do it again. It worked so I’m genuinely seeking ppl with experience if I can argue a case to get the fine reduced. Again, thanks for any help.

Where to supply deposit receipts?Setting up account

Hello guys, I’m new to IBKR and I just deposited funds with Bank Transfer.

I received an email saying I need to supply deposit receipts. But they didn’t show me where I can submit the document.

Anyone can help tell me where I click on to submit the doc? Thank you in advance 🙏

What are those add-ons? Are they helpful with the driving?

So if my attacker deploy super wall breaker it will just run straight inside?

I dont get this post can someone explain to me? With example would be appreciated

Maybe dont overthink it, the point of a talking cat is to have fun and not ask qns