
even so, you're bringing conceptual baggage with you into this topic instead of leaving it at the door. i think deep down people chose what they want to believe or doubt by choosing the baggage they bring to this topic. it limits the questions they ask, and so it limits the answers they get. deep down we can chose the answers we want before we even ask the questions.


well the thing about mythology is, there are no random ones. they are all connected by common denominators. Carl Jung called those connections archetypes of the collective unconscious. they are the building blocks of religion and myth and, you guessed it, that includes the space-age myth of little green men from Mars.

the philosophy that has dominated the world for centuries says that the collective unconscious is just in our heads. that philosophy is called materialism or physicalism. science depends on that philosophy being true, because if it isn't then science can't function. there is no way to control an experiment if the human mind can reach outside the skull and influence variables according to our desire or fear.

but that is exactly what it does. it reaches outside the skull and shapes our reality. that is the secret of the UFO, and that secret undermines the idea of science itself. to say the implications are profound is an understatement


i think the biggest single implication has to do with philosophy. it's a bigger deal than it sounds like, because science has been living on borrowed time. time borrowed from philosophy. it is based on philosophy.

it might be time for science to pay the philosophical piper. that would mean ontological shock for most of the world. the shock-waves from that would change everything.

EDIT: looks like i scared the downvote brigade. fucking cowards

you could call the vets office and speak to anyone there, tell them what the vet said and ask them for advice. they will give you some over the phone

but my gut tells me Anna Paulina Luna did not have an encounter with the 'spiritual and other aspects of the phenomenon'. my gut tells me she is merely cashing in on the cultural recognition of MiB; 'what most people can see' to cultivate sympathy and media exposure

i don't trust her

when it comes to the phenomenon, resting in the conclusion it is merely extraterrestrial is an error, and resting in the conclusion that the MiB are people working for an agency is an inevitable consequence of that error.

the phenomenon isn't nuts n' bolts, and neither are the MiB. the anomalous features of consciousness are the starting point and the ending point of both because they are connected.

what does his vet say about his weight?

good vid, thanks. just want to add this.

Indeed the Gnostics knew something, and it was this: that human life does not fulfill its promise within the structures and establishments of society, for all of these are at best but shadowy projections of another and more fundamental reality. No one comes to his true selfhood by being what society wants him to be nor by doing what it wants him to do. Family, society, church, trade and profession, political and patriotic allegiances, as well as moral and ethical rules and commandments are, in reality, not in the least conducive to the true spiritual welfare of the human soul. On the contrary, they are more often than not the very shackles which keep us from our true spiritual destiny. -S. A. Hoeller, The Gnostic Jung

they are both adorable

i think its more along the lines of always debunk everything and if you don't you get downvoted.

it's par for the course around here. this sub is toxic


book recommendations:

  • Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers

  • The Flip: Epiphanies of Mind and the Future of Knowledge

  • Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences

it's more like a mirror than a window. we just don't recognize our reflection


technology is rooted in our self-concept. that's the real problem. we conceive of ourselves as separate from our environment, and so we develop technology to shape it and exploit it. but it's unnecessary.

we think we are separate bodies and minds in a world of external forces, but none of that is true. we have it within ourselves to connect our minds to each other and to the world. sounds crazy, i know. it's sort of like slime molds.

Collective behavior and swarm intelligence in slime molds

but deep down on a spiritual/collective level we've decided to live as separate beings instead of reaching our true potential, and that means we develop technology to compensate. it means conflict, loss, death, and eventually planetary collapse. all because we want to live as separate ego-self. even if it kills the planet.

part of the reason why i hate meat week. also hated the alien invasion. that event was stingy with the treasury notes

shut up, i'm crunching <vroom vroom>

i think the seeds of this global situation were sown long before neoliberalism came along.