High Five, pizza, San Jose, California baseball NASCAR they have all kinds of TV on for sports

Prayers up for John force racing. It can’t end like this. We need to see one more run. I believe in miracles and the power of prayer let’s go drag racing fans let’s go let’s pray up Mike out in San Jose California

Westbound 85 to Almaden Ave. exit bottles Gulleys almost

The good old days, Earnhardt Gordon at the Brickyard you probably throw a Mark Martin in their Del Jarret

They’re all good there’s some history with those throwback logo. I don’t know the swingingA’s probably Detroit. Tigers oh no I’m old-school Willie 24, All-Star games 660 home runs

Still holding onto his hat Johnny bench jersey I’m glad that’s not me

So true collector I stopped collecting a long time ago. The bubblegum card industry has been ruined by greed. Self-centeredness is all over $7.00 a pack Just stop buying cards don’t feel the aches and pains later on it’s a rip off

Better quit while you’re ahead. It’s like the crab table. Damn should’ve stopped when I was ahead. I was way up then now I’m busted.

Just think ball players have two arms and two hands and can throw and hit and they don’t make it to the major leagues. Jim Abbott, you rock