The internet is for porn.

Grab your dick and double click!

I worked with a homeschooled guy. Very smart but socially really stupid. He didn't get subtle things or body language. I realized then that school taught us how to be social and understand each other.

Billy Mays here with another FANTASTIC idea, with just two more easy steps she could accurately drop the trash precisely into the dumpster. It's that easy!

Yoopers are crazy! Been there December/January with 6 feet of snow and you guys are walking around in shorts!

Go banana!

-Ralph Wiggins

Mint candy? All I ever had was the listerine ones. If you tried a couple at once it was much worse than a mouthful of actual listerine.

Had a union job, second shift. 330 to midnight. New years eve and new years day were paid holidays but somehow we had to work new years eve, I forget why but I remember it being a BS excuse. Nobody on first shift cared because no parties started that early and they outnumbered 2nd shift. No sympathy. When we got off work all the celebrations were pretty much over. Thanks UAW local 1443, assholes.

Second shift was a 4 man crew with no boss. We were all trustworthy and had been there a while. We were treated the worst. Sometimes we'd get notes like "free food in the break room fridge". One time it was 2 sandwiches, there were 4 of us. It was always leftovers from 1st shift lunch. We asked if they could have a pizza or 2 delivered at our lunch time, nope, only the cold shit they didn't want to even take home. And there were many times 1st shift ate it all or John T Morehouse took all the leftovers home. Yea, fuck you John!

You can't use packing peanuts anymore, they're biodegradable now, not polystyrene anymore. Just get some Styrofoam cups.

Or just go buy sterno stove fuel. It's napalm in a can.

I have a question, since you used to work there.

What does the battery say to the potato chip?

>! I'm Eveready if you're Fritolay !<

Sex machine solar panel, I love it. Thanks for the laughs!

I work with a rage addicted boomer. Trust me, he makes his own life hell. Nobody wants to talk to him or help him anymore. He probably won't last a whole year. I hope so anyways. He's the only person in the whole company like this, everyone else is so chill. We have some cool boomers here too but this guy is your typical red hat, loud mouth, smooth brain, fox news repeating ludite.

Edit: He rides a Harley too, though I'm sure that most of you already assumed so.

Two WORLD wars, don't forget Korea and Vietnam.

My cousins hair was turning gray at 18, full gray by 20. I don't think it's related to puberty but it made him look much older.

Slightly related. The A10 was designed to purposely leave the tires exposed in case it had to land and the wheels wouldn't extend.

I stopped reading after the first paragraph. Have you ever even driven a manual? Better question; have you owned a manual? After you drive one long enough your brain goes on autopilot. Personally I think you can accelerate the same in either, IF you know your car. Nobody else could accelerate too quick in my gti because second would grind if you ran 1st to high, but i knew my car. The guy I bought it from was surely banging second too hard all the time.

Tailgating and aggressive driving is not caused by your transmission, it's the asshole behind the wheel.

I never had a bedroom door as a kid. When we moved, the first thing my dad did was remove my door. I never had privacy. When I turned 18, I broke the lock on the attic and put my door back on. I fully expected a beating but nobody ever said a word! I was so confused thinking back over my entire life, why? It took over 30 years to figure out he's a narc. Finding this sub has helped a lot.

What is it about narcs and bedroom doors/privacy? It's like they all have the same tactics of torture and control. So many of us share the same or very similar experiences all over the world and they were all issued the same playbook.

I can't believe you'd say that to my face!

Al: I'd say it behind your back but my car only has half a tank of gas.

Only 1 hour and 45 minutes away, maybe 2 hours, Fuller and Laural Lake!

It's always cold! There's little beaches at each lake and plenty of other things to check out around the area. Don't count on cell phone service though. I take my son and dog here all the time, it's beautiful and peaceful, I highly recommend it. We're also only 45 minutes from Gettysburg!

I ran 2 cinci lasers, we had auto nesting but it sucked. Yours was very aesthetically pleasing! Mine looked like I drew it kindergarten with crayon.