Well, I don't really get why you think I' privileged. I live in a student city, and that's simply what I see around me. I see people who still study (aged 19-25) who are having the best time of their lives (besides the exams that is). I see/talk to people who just got their first job, who just got married, who just got kids,... So that why I concluded that, where I live, people think those ages are the best. Is that a privileged thing to say? I guess I'll find out in a few years, so yea, maybe I'm naive. But I don't really know

Yes, I am :) I'm only 19 yet. The reason I said what I said is because: 1. I've heard it from quite a lot of people 2. Life is great at this age (Not actually at this exact moment because of my Uni exams) and I believe the coming years will be great as well. 3. Most people I know who are around 25-35 got a really nice life. Got their first home, kids,... So I just feel like these years are going to be great. Let's hope for it ๐Ÿ™

Yeah, but those years he lost should have been the best of his life. The way I see it, 16 to around 35 is the best time of your life.

And my nuts crawled back in my body ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Mind telling me what university? (I study engineering at KULeuven, and those are the exact same subjects we've had as well)

Tf is happening in France? Lately, there seem to be so much shooting shit going on there.

Wait. They never patched it? Damn DICE I know you guys did some weird shit, but not even patching such a gamebreaking glitch?

Wow. Really? I've never played that map :) I'm gonna give it a try!

Mind sharing the name of that map? Thx in advance!

It is hard indeed. Suddenly getting compliments and stuff is weird when you got ignored your whole life. I even glt e really good example! There was this girl in my class and I had had a crush on her for the oast 3 years, but she had never ever even talked to me. After I got fit, she suddenly started having conversations with me. Man, my freaking heart melted ๐Ÿ’“! But still, it felt so weird. I still felt like she (and other girls as well) were superior. It's something you really have to get used to. That being said, I really hope you can achieve your goals! Don't give up, because in the end it's really worth it!! <3

Yea, exactly! Got the same experience with a girl in my class (I had a crush on her ๐Ÿ™‚). We had been in the same class for 3 years, and I dont believe she ever talked to me. When I got into shape, she suddenly started talking to me. Man, I'm telling you, my heart melted.

That's exactly what it is. Same with Trump. He and Elon are stupid fucks (imo though), but they did manage to get the dumbest people in our society behind them. Those fools will believe or do anything daddy Elon tells them.

Good luck finding a Deere dealer out there when this thing breaks. Cause you know, not allowed to repair it yourself ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ /s

Exactly! I've experienced this first hand. I used to be on the larger side and no girl ever talked to me. I was just abother ordinary fatass. But 3 years ago, I got into mountainbiking and started hitting the gym, and I lost a lot of fat and put on quit some muscle. It was so weird to suddenly have girls asking your number. I really was like "Ayyooooo!! a girl talking to ME? Wtf?". I'd recommend this to anybody, because it makes things so much easier.

Poor guy always gets forgotten. I'll rub one out for you, Luxembourg!

No it's a new feature. This way you don't have to shoot yourself anymore and you only have to focus on aiming. /s

P.S. Do you really like the game? Imo it's in a shit state. I much prefer bf1 or bf4

It's so true. I live in Belgium, and the only neighboring country I haven't been to is Luxembourg. I've never even met someone from Luxembourg in my entire life.

Could I ask what the name of the JD fertilizer mod is? And the supply trailer next to it?