Put a bag over another magnet. Use ur gloved hand to slide stuff from one magnet to the other.

Put a bag over another magnet. Use ur gloved hand to slide stuff from one magnet to the other.

Pull bag away from the magnet to make all the shavings pull away entirely from the second magnet.

Now all the shavings should fall to the floor, use a magnet to pick them up.

Im not going to argue with some random internet stranger. You have your opinions and i have mine. Call it w.e you want.

Gonna block you now to avoid you. Feel free to hop on another acc if you want waste time to reply but i wont read it.

Bye my guy!

What a strange way to reply to someones story, make it about you, and then down play the story of the person youre replying to as if its a competition.

How cringe.

Ezra easily had the moat useful lightsaber.

It stuns, blasts, and sabers. I feel like the showwriters had to intentionally curtail ezras use of it otherwise he could easily get out of many more situations easily than without.

Other than that in terms of practicality a saber staff is obviously an intelligent design. Theres a reason that for much of human history spears were a valuable military asset.

I expected you to dodve. Why even reply to me just to be a fucking coward.

Oh dang who is she irl? I didnt know you knew her tbh.

Imposter syndrome. You have it. Use google and youtube to learn about this unfortunate personality disorder.


What happens if you fall from 20 ft to the floor with no fall arrest?

Would you consider youraelf fragile? Should others reconsider associating with someone as fragile as you?

"I don't look at my urine when im using a urinal" Followed by " so you don't look where you're aiming?"

It did feel like it was asked in bad faith. Because youre asking a question that i answered in the same comment you were replying to.

Do you look where youre aiming when you sit on a toilet? If not, then why not? Is it because youre so close to the toilet that the relatively large area of the toilet bowl in proportion to the comparatively small stream of urine is unlikely to miss when youre so close to it?

I understand you said youre female, however i suspect you atleast understand what urinals in america probably look like? If not, ok well i answered your question. But if so, then why didnt you use common knowledge and a small amount of critical thinking(not to mention i answered your question before you asked it) to come to a conclusion that peeing into a urinal takes very little to no visual aids to pee into a urinal so long as youre standing infront of it correctly.

Again, dont get hung up on it. Im not interested in what your real intentions were. I answered your question regardless. If your curiosity has been satisfied then happily move along.


I declared that it was a tasteless joke. Did I ask for praise, or to be called clever or humorous?

I enjoyed my joke, so if for nothing else I am satisfied. I don't participate on Reddit for other people's enjoyment

I answered your question. Try not to get too hung up on the only part of my reply that wasnt directly answering yoyr question.

No where im from men dont typically stare into the urinal while peeing.

But lets assume that you didnt ask an already answered question in bad faith.

When im home during the day maybe yes ill look at the toilet when i pee. However of its late at night or early in the morning ill just sit to pee because i might not want bright lights to be turned on.

If im pooping then i likely will pee if i can while also sitting.

If im any where but home ill likely pee in a urinal, and no i have no need to look. Urinals are about a foot wide, i know if im standing infront of it and im aiming my self straight forward and downward then nothing should miss.

Having the experience ive had with my ex wife and all the ither women ive been with or around during my life my opinion is that women see as much if not more urine. They especially deal with other peoples and animals urine more than men.

Obviously this is a very arbitrary topic, it really doesnt have to be so deep, but this is just my opinion.

I would estimate i see my own pee less than half the time. I dont look at my urine if im using a urinal, which i typically use while at work which is most of the week.

Tbh i personally lean towards thinking women see more urine. I mean even my girlfriend sees me pee sometimes. Women even tend to have more pets and more close relatio ships with pets and cleaning up after them.

Its not that deep. Its crude humor. Dont intentionally overlook that like an idiot

By the logic of my joke that means youre gay?

haha funny play on my joke... uhh i guess.

Atleast you have a sense of humor.

Youre better than that? Lowkey arent you talking shit about them anonymously online? It feels like the two are similar, except youre not actually putting yourself out there and telling it to their face.

This looks like it was mostly written with chat gpt.