The commentators don’t always know what’s going on, they are guessing just like you and I until anything is confirmed .

Marco Markizetti? Reminds me of around 40 years ago , our university had a place kicker from Colombia named Fuad Reveiz. The locals renamed him Fred Ramsey so it didn’t sound like we had a damn foreigner on the team . lol

I had a kid come out in the rain to install new blades at my local parts store. When he was done I offered him a 10 dollar tip and he said he wasn’t allowed to accept it . I said fuck that and put it in his shirt pocket as I shook his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

Is having the yips a mental illness now.

It’s literally part of their culture, like taking your kid to the park .

KTM has stagnated, it was time for a change . They have possibly the fastest bike on the grid ( straight line) but like Yamaha, they have found that more power almost always creates a whole new set of problems and they really haven’t made any appreciable progress since becoming the most powerful bike.

Or the bikes characteristics favor the track. Ducati has it figured out, there isn’t a track on the schedule where they are not competitive. Aprilia has a handful of tracks where they have winning capabilities. KTM seems to have taken a step backwards and are capable of winning on a couple of tracks . Yamaha and Honda simply cannot compete on any track at the moment. Ducatis dominance for the last few years has surpassed the Honda dominance of the early 4 stroke era.

Unlike F1, team title in GP means very little. It’s nice to have for bragging rights, but it doesn’t pay squat. In F1, constructor titles are where 10’s of millions of dollars are won and lost and is the main goal at the start of the season. Rider title is all that matters in GP.

It’s been well known for decades that satellite bikes will not be allowed to win the title . When a manufacturer racing division spends 10’s of millions of dollars to upgrade the new model year , it has to beat the older bike or they will be asked hard question from corporate about wtf all that money was spent on. Even a rider of Marc’s status will not change that mindset in the paddock.

For his entire career, Marc was the non debatable best rider in mixed conditions. The other riders made their pit choices based on their beliefs in mixed conditions and Marc made his . It wouldn’t have made one iota difference had they pitted earlier . If you want to see the difference in Marc and everyone else in mixed conditions , there was a race I believe at Argentina where there was a bike swap from wet to dry where Marc and Rossi came in the pits together tire to tire. Within the next 3 laps , Marc had put something like 5 seconds on him. He was fearless in those conditions which led to him being seconds faster per lap.

Reminds me of another Australian who had the talent to take on the world but just could not find the motivation to make it happen. Anthony Gobert . What a waste.

He is something else, but if you understand the procedure he just had, it’s not going to be the cause if or when he loses. He went into the procedure knowing that without complication like an infection, he was going to be ready for Wimbledon and thinking it would enhance his chances of winning . If the knee was causing him discomfort , it could be the reason his game has been off all year. The procedure won’t be the reason he doesn’t win it all, but it could turn out to be the reason he does win it all.

Like I said , my son’s first reaction to seeing what he saw was to eliminate the animal raping a child. He said he could have probably gotten away with it as they were clearing villages of military aged males .

Because he’s a flake and is the exact kind of guy who would take his guaranteed money and lay down . Before he said he hurt his back, he was simply afraid to play, dude had the worst case of the yips I’ve ever seen.

If and when he loses, it won’t be because of the knee procedure. It will be because he’s not been in form all season . Was his form this entire season because of the knee causing him problems or is age catching up.

Because realistically he isn’t a top 200 player and was picked to appease daddys dream. But like you said, the chance of someone picked at 55 has about as much chance as someone picked 200 th if there were that many picks . I just want to see how long the league carry’s him compared to the normal low second round pick who is cut before the season starts.

No wonder they are so pissed off as young men.

You said it’s not the same when women sexually objectify good looking men and I’m saying it 100% is. Just because men commit the offense on a much larger scale , doesn’t mean it’s not the same. Period. It’s not cute as someone put it.

This is exactly why I will always have Djokovic and Federer ranked above Nadal . 2/3 of his slams came on one court . Djokovic and Federer’s slams are more evenly spaced among the 4 different surfaces which means they have an all around better game.

“but suggesting it’s the same when women do it as it is when men do it, as a couple other commenters seem to be implying, is at best oversimplifying the issue.”

Frequency of offense means men do it more, but make no mistake, it’s the same. Should a women be treated less for murder because men commit more murders?

To us, that’s extremely gross, but that’s their culture. My son is SOF and some of the things he saw and smelled in the Middle East would wrench your gut. I forget exactly which hand he said they all shook hands with but it was because they wiped their ass with the other and when he looked at the other hand they were discolored . The one cultural thing he told that they were extremely homophobic . , but would bend a 10 year old little boy over and have their way in an ally where anyone who bothered to look that way could see. He said the first time he saw it , he was so enraged he headed down the ally with bad intent. He was intercepted by a higher ranked officer who told him to chill out, get used to it , this is their culture . . I guess the moral of the story is , don’t assume all cultures are the same , in fact, they can be polar opposites. “When in Rome” !

Sweat smell on a clean person really isn’t offensive for a while . Once the bacteria starts breeding is when it gets offensive . As far as the cousin, that’s just sounds foul and disrespectful to the people she lives with and who she works with. She sounds like one of those people you just have to be blunt with.

About 76 and a half hours less. I won’t stand in line for anything unless it’s something I have to legally have such as a car tag.

Back in the early 80’s , if you did any betting on the NBA, it was common knowledge in the community that the Pistons almost always went over at home . This went on for a few years and finally it was found that the official clock operator at Detroits arena was betting on overs and was lengthening the games by starting the clock like 3/4 of a second late on every clock stoppage. He was adding close to a minute to the game which was just enough to virtually guarantee enough points to hit the over.