Sounds like you’ve got a plan.  I think you’ve read this right…that the weirdness is out of the range of just normal behavior.  

And a surprising number of journalists will disappear or be killed in “robberies “ or die by suicide.  

Are you going off to college in the fall?  Do you have plans for when you get back?  Go on your trip. 

No; he’s an adult.  I expect as an adult, he’ll have some sort of plan for moving out (and not just spending all his money on going on vacation while I subsidize his living expenses!), but assuming he does have a plan to launch, I certainly wouldn’t kick him out.  

Nta.  Are you his property?  If not, rethink whether he’s your boyfriend.

If you aren’t financially dependent on him, pull the plug.  This just sounds too creepy. Get child support for the little one, don’t leave saying “I’m pretty sure you are more dangerous than I imagined,” but move on.  

Sing to yourself:  “He was born in the summer, of his 27th year; coming home to a place he’d never been before; he left yesterday behind him; you might say he was born again; you might say he found a key to every door…”.  Then proceed.  

There are a few Politics departments in the US as well. 

That’s not creepy.  It’s just a teenager trying to talk a girl into sex.  

Punishing homeless people without having robust housing and social policies is the sort of policy that better make its advocates hope there is no Hell because that’s freaking evil.  

My forties were fantastic.  I’d happily relive them.  This time I’d be a lot chiller when my four year old is a menace.  

There are few things stupider than “I hate vegan food.”  Dude.  That literally makes no sense.  You hate salad and watermelons and corn on the cob and oreos and hummus and falafel and corn flakes and…EVERYTHING that isn’t an animal product???

Are they financially supporting you?  If so, you shouldn’t be going to Japan on their money.  If not, they need to cope with the fact that you are an adult, and they don’t get to make your basic decisions.