I have noticed the highs are different depending on the strain, and whether cart vs flower vs edible. It's a world in itself. I'm fried right now and love it lol

23? I was failing in college but just started working as a CNA. I've been a CNA for 6yrs and stopped college all together until I was motivated. Went back, got my Associates, and will be going to nursing school next year. Take the time to enjoy life and figure out what you want to do - then you'll find your motivation.

Dude, my family is literally what you're describing. They hate "illegals for stealing our jobs" while all of them being on foodstamps and unemployment by choice. They're also crackheads and alcoholics who regularly stay in trouble with the law. One of them has been out of prison a whole month and that's the longest stretch of freedom they've had in their whole goddamn life. Yet they "back the blue".

I cut all my family off. They're in church on Sunday and then running from the law every other day of the week while spouting racist shit and attempting to preach to others.

It's a crazy ass world.

Higher power? Therapy is very much a health care service. If they have a bad bone break, tell them to consult a higher power instead of a health care provider.

Honestly, I really need therapy for a few things in my head but from reading the post and comments, I'm not so sure I want that lol

I love bourbon. I can tell you on a blind taste test what bourbon I'm drinking (if you randomly pull some bottles that I have in my home, that is).

Weed? Nah, I'm not a bud conniesur. I'm smoking to get fried, not for the tastes, though I do enjoy the taste. Lol

But when that happens and you have those lines on your feet - scratching them feels like heaven fr lol

I'll let you in on a secret. They only care about $$$$. They'll accept anyone. I worked in a rehab and during covid we had a 106 year old person who was deaf, blind, and mute. They also couldn't move a single limb and was a vegetable. Yet they were admitted in our rehab unit. The PT/OT asked me, "Is this the right room? What am I supposed to do with them???" Lmao

It's only about the money. If it were legal, after a resident passes, they'd try to keep the body there to keep charging for their room.

When I don't want to feel alone, I usually play multiplayer FPS games. I'd recommend Battlebit. The community has some toxic elements but overall it's very wholesome. A lot of shitposting and people just having a good time. The graphics are cheesy, but I enjoy it. I have 370hrs logged.

Thank you for saying that. I had a hard night at work last night and your words brought some comfort to me. I'm glad there's people out there that see the crappy reality of life and go out of their way to try to make things better for others.

I wish you the best in life, man. Hope things get better for you.

I was gonna mention this! Those movies really fucked my mind up lmao

I wonder why religion is still a thing considering the huge amounts of sex scandals that are out there. Yet they're there and we're worried about drag queens.

Yeah, I'd prefer not to be here. While I am here, though, I'm gonna try and really enjoy my life thoroughly. When the joy decreases and stays low continuously while stress remains high continuously, though, I'm quitting this "game". Capitalists, political leaders, and other nutjobs can have this world.

Shrimp should've been vlear and communicated she actually wanted something. Not your fault.

I'll be donating to the Temple of Satan soon. Whenever a religious nut will try to say that, I'll just pull out my pentagram and say I'm a proud member of the ToS lmao.

I'm tired of having to just put up with that shit. They're just like solicitors going everywhere expecting everyone they meet to be just as much a nutjob as them.

Mindfulness meditation. While you can practice for 30 minutes or more, it really helps me at work. I'll take a short minute, look out a window, and take a few calming deep breaths. I take a minute to be present in the moment, forget all the chaos around me, and just focus on my breath.

That helped me tonight (it's a crazy night). Just a minute of concentration on your breath can really help.

It's not weird at all. I call my animals by all sorts of names people call their kids lol

I personally prefer strong teas to weak. I don't want water with a little flavor, I want it strong lol. Black teas especially

That's such a good idea! I never considered open sourcing everything to get your name out there. OP, this is a good way!

Not too cushy. I work hard for it and do have quite a few bills that I at times struggle. I just don't want to be miserable is all. It's not that hard. Plus, plenty of free things to experience in life too like national parks which I frequent.

I'd more thab likely find a financial advisor that will work based on how much he made me via investments. I'd invest at least 98% of it, spend the rest on a vacation, and wouldn't tell a single soul about it.

Eh, the vast majority of humans will not be remembered even by future historians. In a thousand years, even the most famous of us at this moment won't be discussed much except by academics.

Death is just like before we were born, or at least I assume so. I won't know if I'm remembered or not and even if I made a grand thing that remains for millenia like the pyramids, I'll still be forgotten.

I'd rather live my life carefree and happy right at this moment than worry about who remembers me after death. You can have so much joy now, why worry about if a future human will remember you?

Like someone else said, they put bolts and rods in to support the bone and, with time, it does help and they can become "weight bearing as tolerated", though quite a few of them will refuse PT/OT and just remain bedridden, unfortunately

Exactly! I was constantly stressed with my career choices because I was trying to find out what god wanted me to do. I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted praying and studying the Bible.

I used to be in prayer at minimum 45 minutes in the morning, prayer throughout the day, and then an evening prayer and a prayer before bed (I was an Orthodox Christian). Going to services Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, and sometimes every day depending on the church calendar.

Now? I'll wake up, shower, have my coffee. Sometimes I'll meditate, other times I'll grind away at a videogame before getting ready to go to work.

I can't be happier. No heaven, no hell. "Imagine" by Lennon comes to mind and it's bliss.