Ehhhh.... I see sharpei face all the way

Sounds like you need to change your surroundings.

You would be much healthier. Just make sure you are getting enough sodium in your diet so as to not over water your cells

The razor type shears do not layer your hair...... your hair dresser was trying to take some weight out around your face frame to make it lay better.... jokes on you, now you have to pay someone else to do what you already paid her to do.

I'm dumbfounded by this question... have you never been outside before? Have you not ever been in anything other than a concrete jungle (city) .. my suggestion would be to watch a few documentaries on nature

How do you get raped and impregnanted at 14 but wait until you are 16 to have an abortion. Your wide sounds like a liar. Bc thats not even physically possible.

Climate change is a natural occurance that happens on earth. No bit of money you throw at your government with change anything. Literally nothing is happening. They just want to scare people into giving then more money to fund unneeded wars

Your step mom sounds like am ignorant racist... if she seeing anything other than a damn dinosaur

A 4 thousand dollar couch is stupid regardless of children. your wife would prefer to show off than to be practical and thats just dumb

Yeah your wife is stupid and unrealistic. I refuse to even put anything more than a walmart rug on my floors until my son is older. To have expensive things with children is stupid.

Your not being oversensitive, your son is an ungrateful ass hole. For you to order and pay for a pizza he wants and then he makes a comment like that. Stop coddling to overgrown children. He need to grow up

Your mom's kind of an ass hole. Why even ask if you want something special if she is just going to do what she wants anyway... and now she is playing victim. For her to ignore your birthday wishes and get food that you don't like but she does is extremely selfish and RUDE! YOUR MOM sounds like a narcissistic ass hole. The fact that she won't even tell you the name of the plate that YOU enjoyed so much just bc she didn't like it.

For slapping a girl on the ass....... get out.. no way

That's bc no one likes you, liberal quack!

My husband is 6'4 200 lbs and I'm 5'3 125. So just carrying his baby wrecked my body. Giving life isn't easy and we are the ones who sacrifice the most

You are not an ass hole. Pregnant women are very sensitive. We have a ton of hormones that make us VERY emotional. And it may seem like something so small to you but think about everything that is SO DIFFERENT FOR HER. Especially if she is used to being super fit, she is going to have a low self esteem about her body. I still struggle and I'm 2 years postpartum. The best thing you can do is compliment! compliment! compliment! Hype her up. Make her feels like the most beautiful woman in the whole world. It SO hard for us to lose our bangin' bodies to create a new life. It's a huge Rollercoaster of emotions. Just try to be understanding and compassionate. Try to put yourself in her shoes. The best support my husband could give me on an emotional level was to stop working out. He agreed that it wasn't fair for him to keep up with this "perfect" athletic body when I had no choice. He didn't work out during my pregnancy. And waited until I was healed to get me back I'm the gym...

Also low vitamin D levels can lead to extreme fatigue. Make sure you are not always just working out in a gym get outside!!!

Don't cut carbs!! that's where the lie gets everyone. Cutting carbs does NOT help you lose weight. You have to just eat them at certain times of the day. The key is to not eat carbs after lunch. You should always have carbs for breakfast to give you energy for the day. My husband and I started doing 6/18 fasting.... you have 6 hours during the day where you can eat whatever you want and fast for the other 18. Works wonders.

People try to cut out ALL carbs and work out multiple times a week. You CANNOT do that. You have no energy bc you have no sustenance. There's nothing in your body to give you energy.

There are not different kinds of Goldens.. only different shades in their coat.... and it can span from deep red gold to white

Grown ass adults who behave like children is fucking annoying. But here were are

A woman's BIGGEST achievement is creating life. I know you are disappointed you will never live up to your true purpose... jealousy is a real bitch

Awwwww a child is complaining about children.. how ironic...... grow up. No one cares. Get over it. Children are a wonderful blessing and if you don't see that it's probably bc you were never loved as a child. I feel for you. What a sad life to live. To feel so small as to attack innocent CHILDREN.