Hes holding it up off the bottom rock. Its not the fingers breaking it, its the rock hitting the big one underneath.

Used them for years and we get them for free but I still prefer foams most of the time.

They work well with a radio insert if you need to wear a radio for your job.

Your comment is why the rest of us hate it

You need to use supports if youre gonna print the frenulum

cool story bro what are you yapping about anyways

I dare you to google this subject and read the first sentence of the first 20 results.

You don't need to provide evidence for claims that are known to the entire 3d printing community except for a few ignorant newbies.

I got my first printer in 2013 just because I thought the technology was cool and I wanted to print the cool stuff I found on thingiverse. Now I still do it for the same reason but I also do some very basic 3d modelling to make stuff for myself. Just a hobby and new printers dont require the same time commitment they did 10 years ago.

We own the system. It's a large factory that does a lot if cnc machining so there is a lot of metal scrap to get rid of. I don't know the cost buts it's not that complex.

We use the rotating forks to dump baskets of very heavy steel billets or anything else really.

Shoei rf-sr i have is pretty quiet. My head was too fat for Arai


I bought more at 50 too weeeeeee

For someone who's never seen this to troubleshoot from home you need to give more information. Label your picture with whats what atleast.

what about the accumulating error due to print quality as it gets higher

But I'll be home 10 minutes later if I can't drive 150km/h on my commute home from toronto

I think it would be fine as is but people like to over react

I'd wager about 75% of 3d print photos have a foot in them

I read that four times and I still don't understand what you are trying to say.

You can set it to whatever you want within its range depending on the application there is no normal frequency.

buy a prusa or something that needs zero tweaking and just make stuff together