ESP32+LVGL E2E TESTSSoftware Help

I'm looking for a way to write automated tests. Is there a way to run my code runs on an esp32 emulator with screen (cyd) and test behaviors as if I was a user?

I want to write tests for this project

ESP32+lvgl E2E Tests

Is it possible to write automated tests that spawn an emulador of a CYD running my code ?

I want to write tests for this project

Ele fez essa recomendação em fev 2022. Se eu tivesse investido os 100k em 100% CDI eu teria ganho 30k (sem tirar os 15% de IR) desde a compra. A XP so tem vendedor. Nunca mais escuto os assessores "premium" da XP. Vou segurar porque é 6.5% do meu patrimônio, mas queria deixar público o quão ruins esses caras são. Estão lá pra fazer a XP faturar em cima da taxa de custódia.

Eu achei que ele estivesse me "assessorando". Eu disse que nao precisava daquele dinheiro, e que queria investir no longo prazo. Ele disse que era uma optima opção, e que iríamos sair em 2-3 anos, usando marcacao a mercado. Não vejo como sair de um títulos ipca+5.16 2055 com marcacao a mercado.

Os assesores da XP me fizeram comprar IPCA+5.6%a.a. 2055 com juros semestral. Melhor vender logo e aceitar o prejuizo? Tenho quase 100k em juros semestral :(

Only if you are a hot girl 🤣 I just wish I could afford my first electric car :/

My country is full of idiots as politicians.

Why not put all this money in a VR game? I'm sure it would be possible to create an incredible simulator with Unreal Engine 5

It is inefficient to make robots human like for all tasks. Imagine a human like robot that pilots an aircraft. It would be overengineering since the AI pilot can be embedded into the aircraft itself.

Playing it would be too risky for him.

  1. As he stated, he would lose a ton of money preparing for it.

  2. If he wins, if won't be remembered as a true WC. The same way as ding's title

  3. If he looses, people can start saying bad things about him, since even with all this help, he lost.

This machine design is very bad

  1. ela é sua ex posa

  2. Não perca tempo de vida pensando em algo que acabou. VOCE VAI MORRER EM POUCO TEMPO!

If I saw that while having sex I would probably stop and start laughing a lot hahaha

I feel sad for ding. Pretty sure people will start saying bad things about him if he loses world title :/

I believe you are aiming to high for something made alone. I hope you can finish it. But try to get some help.

For those complaining about how silly this is, just remember that it helps humans to evolve. All these retards will probably die soon and not procreate.

She seems the new owner of Tom 🤣