Trump brings out the worst in people but remember the worst is there to start with, trump just uncovered it

Animals probably hate trump , there instinct is better that humans

Yes cut 2 inches off Handle and get yellow electrical tape , easy peasy

She is right , her 6 colleagues have took a oath to trump instead of our constitution, sorry day for future American citizens

We’re living in trump’s bizzaro world where truth and lies have been reversed

Can’t stand trump but Biden lost , joe way over prepared, our president needed a couple days off before debating, his coach fucked him

Hope so there’s no shortage of stupid in the United States at this time

Liar trump will continue to tell his stupid stolen election lie until Americans are killing each other, if he gets in his no rich pay taxes plan will put a end to the United States anyway, another 10 trillion in debt my guess. Our GOP should have done the correct thing and nominated Nikki Haley just because she’s honest, but Maga politicians have poisoned our political system with never ending lies while holding the Bible up in front of there lips. If your confused ask yourself this , did god really send a pathological liar named Donald trump as the chosen one , sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it

And that is 100% true , trump never learns Trump always lies

Wear ear plugs if it’s Thompson semi transparent it will fall off on its own😂

Trump never answered a question asked him he takes his turn to go back to something more favorable toward his base , this is just one example of trumps 1 million ways to lie , Americans are looking into the mirror of what happened in Germany when hitler rose to power with fake news lies , election corruption lies and fear mongering except this time for some reason, the liar is sprayed orange. The only enemy to the United States in 2024 is trumps lies . No folks the election was not stolen