You don't understand how youtube works and that people aren't dumb and know what's going on, lol.

So you aged 2 years in 3 month?

All of these posts I mentioned were written this year and after you mentioned a girlfriend.

Partassipant [1]

Info: So you have no say at all? Because no one but you can stand up for your kids.

He was

Please don't disrespect Niko Omilana like this.

As politely as possible but the subs you frequent almost ask for insecurities. If you seek out these kind of olaces you can't be surprised your self worth takes a hit. Please do yourself a favor and stop subscribing to such a mindset.

What's your issue with that? You don't want the NDL to win?

Adding myself to the top comment because this is someone regularly writing stories.

14 hours ago 

Im extremely hurt that my(24M) GF(F27) didn’t react as much as me as we broke up.

5 days ago 

Now i know why my(m24) gf(f28) decided to date me

We have been dating for a little over a year. 

A month ago 

GF(29F) best friend revealed some things to me(25m). Real or Fake?

2 month ago 

Is Motherly care part of it or my GF over doing it?

I made my first post the day before yesterday about me (23M) and my girlfriend (31F)

In January 

A sex worker I’ve been seeing for 2.5 years just asked me out. What should I do? Part 2

Im 27M and she is 33F

(The post sounds like a continuation).

Of course it's him. He's running for Prime Minister. Mayor isn't enough for the NDL.

Don't get the downvotes. Someone did this to me like 2 separate times and I could easily do the same but I instead waved a white flag and they ignored it so I deleted them from my list.

Sunk cost fallacy shouldn't keep you in a relationship and disliking being single shouldn't be worse than staying in a bad relationship. If you dislike being single find out why. Are you codependent f.e.? Is it the loneliness?

Popcorn Eater 🍿

I hate to be the bringer of bad news but deleting your stuff on reddit doesn't automatically mean it's gone forever.

Here are the comments in order (the comments made after the second Screenshot posted by OP)

I’m sorry, what? Brad absolutely told me firsthand that he’s cleared 100k per month multiple times this year, obviously most of that is not ad revenue. It’s the streams, he makes 10k many of those single day streams alone from people donating to him, so all revenue sources combined, yes, he’s making huge bank.

I’ve talked to Brad privately many times, but he stopped responding to me in May.


I left a separate detailed comment, but TL;DR… my wife asked me to take it down and helped me see why it wasn’t the best idea to post. I’m frustrated, but people are gonna believe what they want to. I have no reason to lie and I hope Brad is able to get himself on track in the future with his behavior.


My wife asked me to delete the post, I’m not backtracking. She didn’t want the drama in our lives but here it is lol. I made a separate comment with more details on this post. People can believe whatever they like, I just think if you’re crying on camera about “your livelihood” and having a fiancé and pets to support when you’re really spending the money to fund addictions. Just my take personally, I can see the other side too.


Excuse me, WHAT? I literally have an addiction and HE never lifted a finger to help me when he previously offered to help, but I’m the asshole? This is why my wife was right. Fuck me. I talked to Brad and offered him help several times, told him to call me or text me if feeling vulnerable. Never heard from him. He’s supported me here and there for sure, but never when it actually counts or when I felt like I needed a friend to talk to about addiction or YouTube or anything really.

Their comment was unnecessary but it was hardly degrading. The comment is still visible on their profile

He has better things to do. Get over it.

Idk, I feel like this started in 2016 and not just recently. It just got worse.

You don't sound like you're all that into her. I would rethink this marriage. Not just for you but she deserves someone who actually wants to marry her.

Teilnehmer [2]

Ew, NDA. Finde sowas von einer Mutter absolut unangebracht. Hat ja nichts damit zu tun ob es legal ist. Vieles ist legal was moralisch fragwürdig ist.

The funniest thing for me was finding out Smosh's Anthony Padilla was the one behind the meme. I didn't know at the time and found out like a year ago or so.

Großstadt (aber auch nicht überall). Aber jetzt mal im Ernst du siehst doch wie die Kommentare hier schreiben, dass es verständlich ist. Konnte ja noch verstehen etwas verwundert darüber zu sein aber so vorwurfsvoll wie du über deine neuen Nachbarn redest kommt es nicht gut an.

Bei dem Wetter kenne ich super viele Leute die Rollladen unten lassen. Masken tragen auch noch Leute um mich herum aus gesundheitlichen Gründen und Rücksichtnahme wenn die Person selber Krank ist.

Lass die Leute doch leben wie sie wollen. Keiner wird hier geschadet.

Partassipant [1]

YTA, not for the religious part (which she is open with according to you) but the celibacy one. How do you know she's still celibate? How do you know what her sexual life looks like? Do you go around and tell your family how many times you had sex.

You could've simply told him that she's religious and if he wants to know more about her he has to ask her himself.