My boy does this when he over exerts himself outside when we play. I get a cold towel (damp and freezer for like 2 minutes) and cover him for like a minutes and rub him all over with it and he cools down and stops panting.

Wait you wanted this child to shower with the other kids? I would have been weirded out because first he doesn’t know your son’s friends and second who wants to shower with three other people?

YTA. And weirdly weirdly controlling.

NTA- so he readily admits he was ignoring you… and expects what?

….youre married to an immature man. Sorry to say. NTA.

Bruh the manipulation may work on others in person but over written word on Reddit? Lol nope.

YTA-he saved that so he would have something to eat. He made it and saved it. No burden on you. You make the active choice to eat the food he left for himself because you are selfish. You all ate ALL of it. Least you could do was make the man something after you satiated your supposedly uncontrollable hunger. Your lack of care for this man and your selfishness is ASTOUNDING.

NTA. Just because he never learned to play nice with others doesn’t mean his kids need to lose friends.

NTA- preferences are a THING. And you prefer to only be called daddy by one person.

LMAO NTA. And since he threatened divorce? Take him up on it. You will NEVER have to deal with his parents (or him) again.

Any way we can donate money to help?

This happened to my babygirl (dog) back in December but she didn’t make it.

I say this with full love. You can be lonely in a relationship and you also be alone without being lonely. Being with someone who treats you so poorly. Who can be upset YOU aren’t getting the backlash? That’s someone who will make you feel lonely.

Not often anymore. Had some unknown health issues that fucked me over for a couple years but thankfully those seem to have disappeared.

Yeah it’s wildly hard to be with someone so emotionally cold. I’d feel unloved.

Honestly I’d get HR involved. She is making it a hostile work environment and being wildly inappropriate.

NTA— move your money out of that account. Just cut them all off Jesus.

NTA. Honestly I wouldnt want to call people who thought like that my family.

Why does the child have to make up for the parents not paying rent?? And that’s not lazy that’s what’s a child does… goes to school then gets to enjoy summer which is what an adult does. Goes to work and gets to enjoy PTO.

Also those chores were wild lady… YTA.