You don’t give much information but I’m going to guess that a) this is your husband’s second family and that b)his first family resent you and c) that your In-Laws are a lot older than you and are possibly looking for support from him in their retirement. As to your own parents, I can’t say, except that when a young woman stops working to have a family, she will find it very difficult to return to the same type of job and salary later on.

YAW. Getting huffy because he fell asleep is the behaviour of a teenager. You’re going to tell us you’re 18 now, aren’t you?

Partassipant [4]

I think you are the parent and you make decisions for your 8 year-old. I’m sure you make other decisions she doesn’t like and, like every other 8 year-old, has to suck it up. However I also agree that her being 12 is suddenly mature enough to make that decision is illogical. Either she has bodily autonomy until she’s not a child or she doesn’t. As to the OTT argument with your ex, you both kinda suck.

Partassipant [4]

NTA. Take the promotion. You didn’t have kids.

How hard would it have been for you to, y’know, turn the light off? Rather than watch it burn your rage for days? You knew what she was like before you married her. Whining about it now makes you look whiney.

He inherited a dog’s breakfast and then made one catastrophic decision in booting out the Greens from cabinet. But the damage had already been done before he took over.

Ynw but you need to have a proper discussion with her to establish that she’s doing this for herself and not to make herself more attractive to you (or men in general).

Partassipant [4]

Well NTA but when you turned up after a day’s drive, that was the time to set the rules.

Get away from him. Take your kid and go. Find somewhere nice to live, find work and live your life free of that abusive leech. You can agree access to your daughter once you’ve done all that. YNW.

Women are not sent to prison for non-payment of fines. Sentencing guidelines are just that. Guidelines.

Nobody goes to prison for not paying their TV licence. A simple fact check would have told you that.

Driver in front wasn’t necessarily intending what happened but I bet he was thinking a bit of karma just showed up.

Partassipant [4]

NTA. Grandma is wrong. Physical contact is not the same as pulling a funny face. She needs to gain some perspective before she gets in serious trouble.

Boris’s slogan was unfortunately aimed at retired people who are reactionary by nature. The Tories completely ignored everyone under 40 and especially the teenagers who would be voting next time round, and who were horrified at having their European citizenship and freedoms stripped away. Then they alienated the very people they had relied on by partying on dude while our people died in their tens of thousands of Covid. They will never ever be forgiven.

This is not MC. Who are the people who think this is a general dumping ground for anything they find?

YNW. Get him vaccinated immediately. Her wishes are garbage and she’s putting your son in danger.

I love the way they casually ran up those huge blocks. Kids. Showing old people up.

As soon as I realised that they are sisters, I changed my opinion of the whole thing. I have sisters and the only way to deal with a stroppy one is to do the sisterly thing and rub her nose in it. I’m surprised your wife doesn’t do this but in any case aside from banning her from your house, you should let them sort it out.

The person taking the video was doing a fine job distracting them from their harassment.

I think he’s just checking the owner is OK. Obviously if the car is in the same place for a long time, this might mean something is wrong. I think he’s just doing his job.

Partassipant [4]

You need to a) get a job and start earning; b) tell him to have your back against everyone, including and especially his mother; c) tell her she’s not welcome until she can behave and d) change all the passwords on your social media and tell him to keep out. Or you could just go and be happy without him. NTA.

Partassipant [4]

You need some kind of professional advice on how to deal with a husband who is manipulative and abusive. This is above Reddit’s paygrade.