Once again...look up the Nazi rise to power.

You're the kinda person who'd sit in a burning building and be like "eh...it's only 1 room on fire." Please look up how the Nazis came to power. It wasn't overnight. It was a slow erosion of political checks and balances. Do you not think it's a problem that the supreme court said the President can do whatever he wants? And they left the language vague on purpose?

Idk...only because I believe that's a 2-way street imho. They could shut him down with how much dirt they already have on him. But he's the media's golden boy...he gets ratings. So they protect him. Every time I think "surely, this is what takes him down" he comes out on top. He's more slippery than greased snail shit.

I find it most fitting (and wholly depressing) that the supreme court ended the American experiment, without so much as a gunshot, or a rocket's red glare, 3 days before we celebrate independence day.

I'm convinced he sold his soul to the devil for infinite luck. It's either that or he fell into a vat of luck, a la the 1980's Joker. There's no natural excuse for how such a vile man keeps getting away with this shit.


This is Elphaba from way back on her first Halloween.

It takes time. I'm in the same boat. Keep on fighting the good fight!

Quality Commenter

The U.S. paid Chris Hedges to make that statement? I'm confused.

Hahaha right? That's exactly how I feel.

"Good morning my happy little accidents! Today I'm gonna PT you until you vomit alizeran crimson!"

Another wrinkle...having parents like my godson's. They told my mom and me (both avid readers) while my godson was a baby, "Don't read to him. You're gonna make him a nerd!" He now struggles with reading, and he's never voluntarily picked up a book.

Yea, and if he ever comes back for a visit, tell him popeguss has a seafood platter/roast beef po-boy waiting for him.

Trump gave the worst of us permission to let their ids take over.

Maybe all these psychos will have some kind of epiphany and do some good while they're on their deathbeds. Carnegie built libraries, maybe Musk can idk...build solar farms.

Reminds me of that joke about the guy going the wrong direction on the interstate. "Yea, honey. But it's not just 1 guy, all these idiots are going the wrong way!"

Yea, I got popped in Delhi (pronounced Dell-high. I know because they yelled at me when I said it wrong) for a bench warrant that I didn't even know I had. Fortunately, they let me go after paying a very expensive ticket. But yea...that's why they run your stuff when they pull you over.

Narrator: "War never changes."

Trump shows up

Narrator: "What the fuck just happened? Okay, I guess it changes when they give a buffoon the football."

We're all in a state of shock right now. It's depressing for me...I'm not any kind of activist, but I do what I can. Talk to other people, try to get them to see what is going on. But, here's the thing...people want this to happen. A lot of people think they're gonna be the lone wanderer, hanging out with dogmeat and selling stuff to the brotherhood, fighting super mutants and eating radroaches. What they don't realize is they're actually going to be one of those skeletons that you reach over to loot a box of cram from their bony fingers.

These people all remind me of my dad. They're hypersexualized and obsessed with nothing but that. Heaven forbid they take a second to realize women are more than something you have sex with. There's nothing wrong with having a healthy sexual appetite, but this jackass is out here literally sexualizing a fetus.

I'd just whisper "loser says what?" Get real petty with it. It's not like policy's going to be discussed tonight.

I grew up Catholic, and it's very difficult for me to go to church nowadays. I'll suck it up sometimes, like for Christmas and Easter to make my mom happy. But, whatever the Catholic church is nowadays, it's not the church I was raised in. Then again...on second thought, maybe it was but I was too naive to notice.