Unfortunately now we don't have a single party that cares.

I always vote. But this is the first time where I can say all the party's suck at the federal level

Can someone explain this to me?

I've been under a rock

We're all gonna die before a lifetime is up.

But you HAVE to have that baby.

I love veggies. But lentils taste like dirt to me for some reason đŸ˜”

I'm very interested in watching this.

However I do not know the way.

You can read the book faster than watching the movies.

I went to theaters to watch it. Than I realized it was going to be 2 or 3.

I wasn't willing to wait so I bought the book and read it.. that's when I realized its a movie full of filler b.s.

It took me years to watch the last 2. They aren't the same thing at all. If it was a standalone thing. Than maybe okay. But man. That was some brutal source material getting ruined.

Usually a movie doesn't have enough time to fill in all the details of a book and understandably so. This was like let's make up plot lines or take parts of the fellowship and cram it in.

Guh. Made me so mad. Sorry for my incoherent rant

Big agree. Watched it last night cause my friend suggested it / was interested.

Movie ended and all we could say in our group chat was.

This was baaaaaaaaadddddd

It had alot of potential. But jeeze did they nerf that Quick. Jlo was a bad bad casting decision. Writing was weak. The robot was the mvp. J lo was a producer so I imagine she was a major part of the issue.

Someone described it as listening to her having a root canal for 2 hours. I agree

Definitely has probably the best fight scene in all star wars. Obi wan/ qui gon vs Darth maul.


Not my favorite movie. But that part was incredible

Canada could use him anyway. I vote to keep him.

You can have Justin Bieber.

Yeah. The book meant to make you think eowyn is dead. Also it has the impact of theoden asking about eowyn and dying not aware she was 20 feet away dying herself. Or that she saved/attempted to save him

Watched the movies before reading the books..

I was shocked this didn't play out that way.

The movies did a great job

Does that sign say the price of a small pop/soda is .17 cents....

That's insanely cheap compares to where I'm from.

But I'm also aware it costs like .7 cents to make

Beats me.

And I'm Canadian. Been to the states alot. Never paid attention to it.

I will now though lol

Asking the real questions.

I always pronounced chocobo wrong. Still do.

But the first time I heard the audio of it. I actually gasped lol

My girl does this exact same thing. Gets too purry and starts slobbering everywhere.

Only started happening after I had to get her surgery though.

I do think alot of people get outraged before actually seeing something though.

If most of the people super mad about it, watched it and put their pre conceived notions aside. They would realize it doesn't glorify it at allll

The same thing this gets asked everyday pinky.

Try to take over the world......


Regardless the same questions over and over again are draining. I don't even (same as alot of people) need to look and know all the same answers