Emblem request: rat

Just want some kind of rat emblem whether it be the face, shape, etc, just something rat themed

I guess my view of the game’s a bit different. I’ve put 1500 hours into the game at this point and I’ll probably end up dumping another thousand in after the DLC comes out

I disagree. This is a year old post. Since then I realized I was just being stupid since my brain was still hard coded with DS3 logic

Bro this is a post from when the game came out. Why is it popping up for people all of a sudden


To be fair, plate armour is a lot more mobile than a lot of people would think. It had to be designed to allow the wearer to mount a large horse in full gear after all. Lawbringer’s armour is especially large, yes, but the man is also built like a brick shithouse so I wouldn’t be surprised if the man could do cartwheels with ease wearing all that

Brother this is a post from when the game came out 💀

Yeah I’ve noticed haha. I think I made a good choice and hopefully this thing will last me until I’ve got enough money to just throw at some overpriced piece of garbage

Ah ok. I’ve already ordered the S9 FE+. I went into Best Buy and checked it out and it was pretty much everything I needed. I appreciate the input. At the moment I don’t really have any other questions, although I am having trouble finding a good case for it, since I want something with a stand that can hold it vertically, and since it’s a newer model, there aren’t as many. I’ll likely just get a more basic case and a separate stand for it

Currently planning on buying a Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ and I have some questionsGalaxy Tab

So the main thing I’ll be using the device for is writing on PDFs using the S-pen, marking up scripts and stuff like that, and so my first question is…is that a thing you can do? I just assumed it is, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. The secondary things I’d wanna use it for are video editing and music production on the side (I mainly use PC stuff for this but it’s nice to have the ability on a tablet) so I’m wondering if the standard model of the FE+ with its 8gb ram IIRC can run that sort of thing


Communist emblem users are more fun to mess with cause they typically have a short temper

Giving us back the right to buy and use handguns, and raising the magazine limit. Doesn’t have to be no limit, but 7 max is a little silly and means that if you want efficiency, shotguns are the way to go

If we get Pierre as our next PM and finally give Trudeau the boot, these changes are likely to come, so fingers crossed

Cream occasionally yeah, I personally prefer it without usually, but it really depends on the tea

“You’re alright, don’t come to the academy tomorrow”


They reverted it because it was a steaming pile of shit and the hero doesn’t fucking need one

Skins are weapon dependant. You’ll get the skin on a specific weapon, and can then use it on any operator with that specific gun

Hoslow chest + Zamor mask. Looks goofy unless you fine tune the body sliders, then it’s my favourite combo in the game


Console players when they can’t just throw out 50 lights for free without getting parried


Medjay has no UBs in his staff form (the one good for externals) just external block

The second I got the horse. Was one of the coolest first fights I’ve had


I’m an Xbox player moving to PC. Rep 200 on Xbox, feels kinda bad fighting low reps on PC. I’m learning mouse and keyboard instead of just using my controller to gimp myself a little

:Dredge: Dredge

Again, different thread, I can only see this threat when replying to messages and I have no reason to check others. Stg people on this app don’t know how to have a discussion, though honestly I don’t know what I expected arguing with people on this app