It wouldn't be so bad if you could turn off DLC, or select your ruleset (like you can with CIV VI). I haven't played Stellaris in quite a few years, and I'm sure by now it is completely unrecognizable. It may be a good game, but its not the game I bought, or put nearly 200 hours into playing.

Eastern Orthodox

humans are fully capable of not sinning despite knowing demons exist or not

I'd ask for proof of this one.

I went to University, partially under pressure from my parents, partially out of belief it was the only way to make more than minimum wage.

I now make more than minimum wage... but not in any job that uses my university education.

I suggest everyone think through if it will actually help them, rather than just doing it because that's what you're supposed to do.

As opposed to Eastern Christianity with its Greco-Roman heritage?

The doctor issue seems to be Canada wide and is related to a brain drain people were ringing alarm bells over 20 years ago but nothing substantial was ever done about. Not to mention we live next to the most overpriced healthcare in the world and have a treaty that allows trained doctors to just hop the border and work with minimal fuss for some reason.

I take it you've never visited any of these cities.

Nope, I am 100% sure my city is on the list because it is semi-affordable by the standards of our country.

Of course that's changing as people from nice, but more expensive cities are moving here, driving up housing costs (while costs across the rest of the country are going down).

I was just thinking yesterday, Square Enix needs to make a new E.V.O The Search for Eden game.

It's awful because it shows the thing it says it shows rather than something else?

While a map like the one you're talking about could be useful, it is also showing something very different.

When I'm looking to go on vacation I don't care about freedom to work, I care about travel visa regulations, but if I'm looking to settle somewhere else, I don't care about travel visa, I'll care about right to work regulations. Two very different topics for two very different groups.

because many of them are not what they claim to be, mostly because someone lied because their country was too bad.

I grew up thinking I was like 5% Dutch, but then my dad had a DNA test done and it turned out that part was Italian. I was all like "ewww, that's disgusting", and how could our ancestors be so gross?

Yep, although it is a much shorter list than on other stores.

Not sure why you're pointing the finger at Americans.

I'm not American and my country does the same thing. I've been to a number of other countries that do the same thing, and I'm aware of still more countries that do the same thing. Often there are historical reasons behind the boundaries, other times two very distinct places just grew into each other.

Never teach users to look for a single thing. They should learn to spot red flags. A red flag means you investigate further, it doesn't tell you whether it is good or bad.

Microsoft had a red flag in their email, that's all. They probably shouldn't, but users should be trained to look beyond that.

It was on SNES, not NES. A version did eventually come out for NES but that isn't the one people talk about, and you're right, it probably had a lot missing.

edit: Looks like the NES version was just the GB version but with colour.

Stampede was on the SNES. SNES had a larger maximum capacity than Genesis (48 vs 40 MB)

It was the same mentality, but the reasons were based on circumventing the rental market. If you can't beat it off of a few rentals, maybe it would be cheaper for you to just buy it.

i7-3930k, GTX 980

My mistake, I thought I'd read they purchased them shortly after Cities: Skylines came out. I'm not sure what I read.

edit: Looks like Paradox bought all the IP belonging to Colossal Order. Which is a bit odd.

i7-3930k, GTX 980

Paradox owns the dev studio. Saying they developed it isn't wrong.

edit: Paradox bought all of Colossal Order's IP, not the studio itself. Weird, but I guess not quite the same thing.

Job hopping isn't a gen Z thing. It started with Gen X, and Millennials are full on job hoppers as well.

Boomers, who are almost entirely retired are the ones who had company loyalty, largely because companies used to take care of employees.

At airports, I'd probably guess higher than anywhere else but still not all that high. Its enough that I'd avoid a direct data connection to them.

They probably wouldn't think much of the roads. Some ancient roads are far more impressive works of civil engineering than our modern roads, and the major networks in Europe and Asia are largely unchanged from that time.

Cities on the other hand would likely cause a reaction.

You can connect keyboard/mouse and monitor to it. It comes with USB/PS2/VGA attachments

The real problem is the devices are stuck in a particular time. You'll be able to play games from the 386 era natively, but anything later and you're back to emulation, anything earlier, emulation as well. Probably easier just to stick with emulation.