No, she’s definitely shite. Also, learn grammar.

Seems unisex. I’m over the gender thing. Why do we give inanimate objects gender??

She IS cringe. She acts like a fucking teenager and her music is shit. I’d love to see her perform with just a guitar and her voice…no band, no track, no background vocals, no autotune. She has no talent, she has a good team that made her what she is.

I cant even listen past level 1 bc it reminds me of the kid in class who wouldn’t stop with his pens on his desk. I hated that kid. 😆

How. Like how can someone live with shit on the floor. How??

I like it, just loathe the piece of wood.

I mean, Maximilian has been around for a while…

Crazy to me that people still get stuck in these. Get off your phone and pick up your feet.


💯 I had a guy come in that was rocking this look and had been just holding onto that hair for way to long. He asked my opinion and even said he wanted to let go of it, I completely agreed that we should shave it. You should’ve seen his smile when I turned him around to the mirror and he said “I should’ve done this a long time ago”- dude actually looked his age and before he looked 8 years older. If you’re not gna get hair replacement or a hair solution , shave that shit.