Her and Phillip must have really thought they were leaving a world in shambles

This reminds me of this one movie I watched a bunch as a kid where a dog is accidentally taken away by balloons to this foreign exotic land, and there’s a scene of a flash flood that has this same colored water

Boring set but a must buy for the mini figs

I feel like the Biden team is shooting themselves in the foot everytime they bring out a celebrity to campaign/endorse Biden. Celebrity worship is at an all time low, especially amongst the population of voters they need to convince. But what do I know, I’m sure Trump would do the same if he had anyone of value as well

Trump is only 3 years younger and is showing early signs of dementia, and once someone starts visibly showing signs is when it starts to progress fast. So if people don’t vote for Biden over his age, we’ll get someone who is also incredibly old, has dementia, and is also a lot more sinister with his plans for this country.

You’re not doing any favors to this country with this line of thinking.

The switch

has the best line up of games

Too old and too polarizing for middle independent voters

Weird, the mods here deleted my post earlier this morning regarding last nights debate telling me "posts about politics never go well"

I would vote for a bowl of diarrhea over Trump

I’m more worried about the optics to uninformed swing voters

He is also conventionally attractive. For as much of a shallow reason that sounds like, it's unfortunately a very real factor in American elections

Definentely, but being president is a 24/7 365 job and someone who is president should be able to work through a little cold. What if a major national disaster happened when Biden was in that state? Believe me, I'd rather have sick Biden over Trump during something like that. But we have a lot of low informed swing voters who may think differently than most of us in this sub

Everyone wants Trump to drop out (and be sent to prison) but we know that he wont and the GOP doesn't have the backbone to force him.

I know our presidential elections have not been normal since 2012, but even I completely forgot that the Democratic convention hasn't even happened yet. In a normal election with a close primary, there still wouldnt have been a candidate yet.

I've seen all of Biden gaffe clips over the last 3 years. They were never too concerning, he always worked through them to where I understood what he was saying. But last night was by far the worst I have ever seen him. I do believe the rumors that he's fighting off a cold. But a president should be able to work through a cold..

I think it’s too late, this is now going to be the focus on Biden, distracting from how awful Trump is

It wasnt a disaster for well informed politcal junkies like most of us in this sub, but to the average folk they'll see one guy freezing on camera and staring into the abyss, and the other guy being much more energized. Even though he lied about pretty much everything, it'll go right over their head.

The very first televized presidential debate of JFK vs Nixon, people who listened on the radio thought Nixon won, people who watched thought JFK won. Presidential elections in america are unfortunately decided on optics rather than substance. The taller and more attractive candidates usually win.