Yeah when I die I want to be informed that I died peacefully

You definitely should never be checking down the second nuts on the river just because you're deep stacked.

Do you think this is important even at lower stakes? I was just listening to a podcast that talked about a mistake people make math wise with sets/2 pair when they "know" they're up against a flush. Calling without the right odds because they know they're not dead even though it's -ev if you knew for sure villain had a flush.

I know that's a very specific example and it's always some likelihood that villain could be drawing or his made hand could be behind your set. But in general I feel like even regs don't make proper mathematical decisions at the lowest stakes.

Regardless this is something for me to consider and work on. I guess you don't need to do the math if someone's getting pot flop and turn you know they like their hand.

This is a good way to look at it. I consider myself to be a horrible deep stack player. Mainly because deep stack at $1/3 is a significant percentage of my bankroll and variance can be a bitch. But also your mistakes you make preflop and post flop are magnified deep stack.

Make a mistake preflop calling/making a 3 bet and the pot could very quickly balloon by the river especially if it's multi way. I live pretty far from the casino so when I go I typically stay for far too long. At some point your focus/discipline/decision making are going to suffer if you play past what is personally optimal for your body. But yeah seeing more hands in general will expose your leaks even if you're fully rested and what not. I agree.

Yeah this isn't some little free roll tourney at your local bar for a $25 gift card.. I'm assuming this is life changing money or at least a very significant amount.

I thought it was hilarious when the commentator pointed out that dudes rail was holding up 22 cards. "They got the entire deck over there lmao. I wonder if they did that every all in for their buddy.

I assumed it was exaggerated for majority of the vlog. He talks a lot about his paychecks from from YouTube and what not. When I was his age I was living paycheck to paycheck working 40 hours a week so I think he's gonna be just fine.

Wild that he's playing such high stake poker games when he's looking depressed as shit after losing a hand that didn't even felt him. Clearly needs to not be playing in games where 1 buy in one cripple him but I guess that's the whole point of his vlog.

Some dude blew through 3 buy ins quick and started telling some guy he was angling him by the way one of his $5 chips fell over one of his $25 chip when he threw it in the pot. Then left mumbling how he needs to get away from this table because it was rigged against him. Everyone just basically ignored him because that shit is normal crazy that you see at any given night

This shit happened to me the other day at Taco Bell. Need to shit in the worst way and one of the employees was chillen in the ONLY customer stall. Reminded me of Amazon bathrooms

Lol. Yeah that makes no sense. What did he them the AtoZ app when applying?

Did boogie ever get charged for discharging a firearm?

Yeah.. his health is fine but it takes more than just a working body to be capable of work. His mental health is completely fucked and isn't capable of interacting with people "normally" If he were on the right meds and seeing a therapist regularly then I think he could work.

He is one fucked up individual on multiple levels. Mental illness does not excuse his actions. He's still a human being and deserves access to some sort of help.

How do we get around paying for extra cheese and all that bullshit? I'm not paying $9 for a 6 inch spicy Italian. Sad to have to ditch subway considering I live 2 minutes from one.

Specifically they're talking about the spicy Italian price increase. That shit is greed. They're trying to push sales for their new monstrosity of a sandwich while forcing you to pay more for their spicy Italian sandwich which doesn't exist. Fuck subway

Do you really get penalized because your probation officer sucks?

Can confirm. It's lonely out here

Thanks. I guess it just is what it is lol. I feel bad when she asks me to send her pics of her little guy he looks like a hostage.

Friends dog is terrified of me. Any advice?

I'm watching my friends dog while she's gone for the weekend. He's a 3 year old rescue. I've spent the night many times and her dog knows me. When my friend is here...her dog has no problem with me. Will cuddle up next to me at night. Now that I'm the only one here he is acting extremely unsure and standoffish. Spends most of the time hiding under the bed and wont come out.

He has access to the backyard via doggy door so he is isn't reliant on me for anything other than food/water..which he is not eating or drinking. I took him on a long walk (on the one occasion he came out in the open) hoping he would get a little more comfortable with me. Fed him treats and a few bones..also hoping to win him over. I'm not expecting to be best buds with him over the weekend but was hoping I could maybe do something to make him a little more comfortable with me.

I will add that my friend works from home so I'm sure there's separation anxiety going on here. Kind of worried that he's not eating and doesn't seem to be drinking water.

If you're going to do that look for cameras at least