OMG. It’s a thing. (Hobosexual).

Some of the most upbeat, positive and supportive people are runners and cyclists. Your local running and bike shops can connect you to great groups.

Typically is I’d agree but time in the role is 5 months so things are happening rapidly.

I think your post and some or your answers contains everything you need to write the proposal. Assuming you don’t have an existing offer for your dream job, it’s time to get to work.

Here are some things that appear relevant: “Five months. I dived right in. Underpaid. No creativity. He found someone he trusts.”

Close your eyes. Dream big. What would really excite you? Make you proud? You have an opportunity that few people are offered. Go for it and if it doesn’t work out in a few months, move on.

Remember your proposal is subject to negotiation and revision. Good luck.

Yes, you’re an AH for laughing. This is time for discussion, reflection and more discussion. You have plenty of time before you make decisions. Good luck.

One hour flight on a prop plane in the Midwest during the winter, probably 1981 or 1982. It was around zero degrees F when we took off. Oh, this plane had a cloth curtain separating us from the pilots. We hit some bad turbulence and an alarm starts blaring. I was convinced we were going to crash in a field and the first responders wouldn’t try to find us until the Spring. I felt really bad for my Mom - no funeral for weeks. Was able to hop in a car with others for the return trip.

Required, no. Good idea, yes. Start with free assessments from whoever you currently have any money. I had 40(k)s at several places. Each place offered a free retirement evaluation and plan. Study them. Ask questions. Do not take action or follow their recommendations. Repeat with your bank and/credit union. Then find 2-4 more independent advisors and listen to them and their plans.

Fascinating question. Haven’t thrown up in my 40s or 50s; so a long time. Also, I rarely get headaches - maybe once every 2-3 years, and they typically go away in 10-15 minutes.

“Thank you for listing to that guy from work who said to fully max out the 401k(k) every year, and save half of every raise and dump it into a brokerage account. Because of that, future you (me) is able to work or not at age 55.”

Joe, that guy from work took me aside and explained the match, compounding and living below my means. Paid off.

How many miles you ran (this week)?

I was going to say, you’re not a “10” anymore.

Just pointing out that with regular Medicare plus a supplement (not Advantage), it is Medicare that decides to pay or decline, not AARP/UHC or other supplement. Payment or denial often depends on the doctor’s providing the correct ICD10 codes.

Am going to Japan in the fall. What’s a good way to get data? E-sim? Besides using WiFi.

I live with two GF people but myself eat gluten as well as organic steel cut oats daily with no issues. But Cheerios messes me up so I ignore them. Dunno if it’s the folic acid or sugar and/or other things. PS: I never add any sugar of any kind so maybe it’s the sugar in Cheerios?

Me thinks y’all have too much time on yours hands. /s

My Mom passed away last year at 92 and she was very active through her 80s. A little golf and mall walking with her friends. She baked cookies and banana bread until she was hospitalized 2 months before passing.

I mentioned that I met a woman in her 80s who had just received her ham amateur radio operators license. My Mom’s response was classic: “Oh to be in my 80s again!”

Contrarian here, maybe? Mid 60s and feel pretty much the same as my 50s. I did start walking at 51 - nothing strenuous or long, just deliberate. That was my “gateway” to 10-20 minute bike rides and eventually some light running. My wife who is 5 years older joined me.

We married later and waited a bit. Unexplained infertility so we adopted twice. Kids are grown now and working. I thought of it as “parenting without pressure. You know, if they turned out well, it was parenting and nurturing. If not, it was nature and genetics. PS: My wife was freaked out about labor as well. We didn’t miss this aspect of parenting.

It could be nothing. Good bosses have this already. And know what you do. Bad bosses can be clueless. I recently left an organization where we had all these documents in an online folder, open to everyone in the company. Boss asked me for my job description and an employee that works for me. It was super urgent. Sent her the URL. Monitored the access. She never opened the docs. Spoke to her other managers and it was the same thing - urgent request but no action afterwards. She left 18 months later.

The other replies here are great. Please do update your resume. Take a look outside to see how the job market is for your roles.

Contrarian here. I did some business travel when my children were young and we sometimes took them. Later when they were in their teens, we arrange business travel and vacation breaks. They got to see many countries as well many states.

Invest in VTSAX and VTIAX or the ETF equivalents. Sorry, no bitcoin until you have $50k and then only 2% of your portfolio.

So glad you wrote “or were glad that you did”. I’m glad I financed 100% of my education myself without help from my family. BTW, initially started out as a ME but switched to EE and CS. And it took me 6 years because I often worked 20-30 hours a week while taking classes.

At my first job, I maxed out my 401k. That 5 year contribution is now over a million dollars due to aggressive investments. I now have over 3 million in retirement funds. My wife also is a big saver and she has over 2 million in retirement. She took off many years to raise our three children.

An Apple AirTag (or android equivalent) might work if there are nearby cellphone to help track.