I've had sleeping problems for years since I was a toddler and now I'm on sleeping medication. During them years without my meds I would not fall asleep til 4-5am even on a school day and on weekends I would be awake for 24 hours sometimes 48 hours. Now I take my sleeping medication between 21:00-22:00 sleep through the night like a baby. I do have the occasional night where my sleeping medication doesn't wok but it's extremely rare and my doctors said that if I do have a night like that then I'm to take one extra tablet to help out

I just finished a course this year and unfortunetly I'm unable to do Level 3 as my course manager said 'she doesn't want me to feel stressed out all the time' so I'm taking up another course at the same college. I'm also hoping to move closer to college to save on fuel

I always get kicks and laughs when I tell people this story due to how stupid my ex best friend's mum reacted (this happened in 2021 but I still remember it all as clear as day). So when we had practicals in college my ex best friend would allow us to leave our PPE bags in her car until the end of the day. Well one day I completely forgot about my PPE bag being in her car and it wasn't til I got home that I had servel messages/missed calls as my phone was on silent anyways I asked her if it was alright if she could keep hold of it until Monday and she said that's fine. Well her mum found out and completely went ballitics at me and she was acting as if I had drugs in that bag (I don't even do drugs so I have no idea where that assumption came from) and I was just laughing at her stupidity. Her mum also went ballistics at my mum and my mum told her 'it's between me and my ex best friend and how we are adults so we make our desisions' but nope apparently I wasn't allowed to make my own desisions. So my mum and her mum were constintly messaging back and thourth arguing and eventally me and my mum drive over to theirs to get my PPE bag. Well on Monday my course manager asks me and my ex best friend to stay behind to discuss an 'incident' that occurred. Well half way through the discussion, I noiticed that my course manager has copies of the messages between my mum and her mum so I called my mum and my course manager told me to hang up the phone (I didn't as I was telling my mum about the screenshots that my course manager had in front of her and stupid the meeting was whilst both me and my mum were laughing the whole time) so I hung up eventally on my terms and we continued and when I say my ex best friend's were quick to block me on Facebook I mean like 2 secs after the meeting. So after the meeting I called my mum back and told her what happened. Now my mum was doing a law degree that time so this is where I found out that what my ex best friend's mum did that was illegal and we could of press charges for it. Under the Data Protection Act you need permission to take a screenshot and share it someone the only time this is illegal is if you don't have permission to take a screenshot of someone's personal data including profile picture in the screenshot and includes someone's full name. Now my ex best friend's mum didn't have permission to take the screenshot and share it to my course manager so we could of filed a police report against the mum as it contained my mum's full name and the profile picture was my sister and my mum and my mum was tempted to. Also after the meeting, my coures manager revealed to me that it was the most stupidest thing she's ever had to deal with once my ex best friend left the room. Also I mentioned another ex best friend as she sided with ex best friend 1 even though she wasn't involved but decided to hang around. So yeah to answer your question it was my ex best friend's mum

I watch RDR2 Funniest Fails and I always see every single episode I watch on YouTube

I’ve got a Level 2 Diploma in Animal Welfare. I wanted to complete Level 3 at my college but unfortunately my course manager said I won’t be able to handle level 3 due to how stressful it is. I wanted to be an Animal Technician at my college but I need a Level 3 qualification to go back to do that

I live not to far from Woburn Abby that’s where I want to do work experience as my course requires 75 hours. Unfortunately for me I’m classed as ‘unemployable’ due to autism, severe anxiety, PTSD and Depression

In college I’m going to be doing Level 2 Diploma in Countryside Management in September and my days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday if that’s what you mean

I’m thinking maybe more medical research/donations but I’m not sure how good the pay is or how to sign up

Not a chance. I have sensory issues when being touched I turn violent the second someone touches me even if they didn’t mean it

I’m looking for a side hustle I can do in the UK.Looking For Ideas

I’m a college student aged 21. Due to my car being a motability car I can’t work for the likes of Uber Eats

I hate them as well. I call them ankle biters

I’ve got Autism and I’ve got so many favourite smells but my top one is petrol

Back in my secondary school days I was playing Minecraft with one of my friends (1) and one her friends (2). Friend 2 thought it’d be funny to pour lava on on of of buildings that took me weeks to complete so I kicked him off my world whilst friend 1 helped me clear up the lava and rebuild what friend 2 destroyed. The following day, friend 2 decided to report me to my tutor because I wasn’t accepting his apology so I felt like I was forced to accept his apology and to this day I’ve not accepted his apology. Funny thing was my secondary school never got involved in incidents that happened outside of school so why my tutor bothered me in the first place I have no idea

My horse is called Besty. I don’t mind sharing the name

No mistakes I completely understand what your saying

In New York (not sure if it’s true) you have to have a permit if your homeless but I don’t understand how they afford a permit

When I was older that’s when they told me how much of a nightmare I was for sleeping walking and I was a toddler and I did it til the age of like 7-8 years old. No weird stories from that but I’ll ask my mum in the morning as she’s in bed as I live in the UK so it’s 22:06 for me