You mean Shot-N-Cock? I hate them. Sold us a lemon and I had to buy a new $8K engine after just 3 months. So, no way to get out from under a financed lemon at 3 months in. Only a new engine. That hurt!

Spotify is evil. Plain and simple. Our band had an EP of three songs that Spotify removed due to bot activity. Rather than screw us over, how about reset the song count to where the songs were before the bots intervened? You have the stats. You display the stats to the artists. So, get off your lazy asses and do that instead of punishing the artists and making them start the stream counts over from zero. And were only talking about a couple of thousand bot streams anyway. What fraction of a penny does that equate to anyway?

Ramones. Except I would recommend listening to their ear worms at least three times each....then you'll understand why I call their songs ear worms.

This is very helpful information. I actually never considered using twitter this way. I appreciate the advice. If you're interested, here is a link to our band's Spotify. We are recording this weekend and hope to release our full original album later this summer. Right now we have an EP of three songs and a full cover album. Feel free to follow us to hear the new album once it's released. Thanks again!

Are backlinks only good for a single instance?

I recently asked an "SEO expert" on Fiver to promote one of our songs on Spotify. We did see a quick increase of 500 new followers. However, I am not sure if there are real. The llistens went up drastically as well, but looks suspicious at best. So, this means the 34 listners would have to have listened to this one song for an average of over 80 times each. If this SEO expert were to have promoted backlinks organically, I would think any increase would continue, because that would mean the backlinks would have more visibility. But, this appears to be just a bot programmed to simulate listeners/followers. I'm not sure exactly how all of this works, so please give me any information on what a proper backlink campaign should produce for such a spotify promotion.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.  If you like the current music, you may want to follow them on your streaming platform for the new release.


You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.  If you like the current music, you may want to follow them on your streaming platform for the new release.


You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.  If you like the current music, you may want to follow them on your streaming platform for the new release.


You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.  If you like the current music, you may want to follow them on your streaming platform for the new release.


You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.  If you like the current music, you may want to follow them on your streaming platform for the new release.


You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.  If you like the current music, you may want to follow them on your streaming platform for the new release.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.  If you like the current music, you may want to follow them on your streaming platform for the new release.

StickyBongWater, of course. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.

You may like StickyBongWater. A new punk rock band with an old school punk sound. New EP and Cover album were released in December 2023 and a full original album will release in late summer 2024.