Not to mention that they would then be rounding up “illegals” by the thousands, forcing them into camps, deporting them (if lucky) or outright executing them. That’s not including what they are likely to do to those of us who didn’t vote for Trump or his Russian backed enablers. They are likely just going to eminent domain our properties/assets then execute us because we won’t take their treatment laying down.

“Stepbro! Don’t forget after railing me against the dryer to go vote for Joe Biden so we can! Ouch! Stop Project 2025.”

Edit: This is satirical based on the most popular porn category in conservative states. Fuck Project 2025, Fuck conservatives.

I have used firearms in the past but never owned my own. I too have been looking to make my first firearms purchase recently because of these nut jobs who think they are the only ones with guns.

Though I am sure he trades various things for wealth and influence, he is also a traitor.

And that is why I blocked the account that sends the message.

The media is controlled by conservative interests so of course they are trying to get Trump re-elected. His hate, anger, and contempt for America makes for high ratings and thus greases the capitalist wheels.

The only way they would be haunted is if every day they wake up in a dark room, dripping cold sweat, wondering where they are and if the beatings will continue. Until then, they are unconcerned and enjoying themselves with the bribes they continue to receive.

I will vote for Biden.

If HE comes out and says “I am withdrawing my candidacy.” I will vote for whoever is the Democratic candidate.

This is a reason that I will be arming my family in the very near future. I don’t want to use them, but if a fascist wants to threaten my family, my country, and I, they will meet resistance.

In the event that Trump wins/steals the election those records could be obtained and used for his bloody campaign of revenge.

Democrats are more likely to actually accept the will of the people. Case in point, look at where we are now in Ohio.

That makes Trump a martyr.

He needs to make an official act that invalidates Trump and his congressional enablers from holding office.

Know what would really end the gerrymandering? Removing the GOP dogs from power.

If they had the capacity to feel shame, they should be ashamed of themselves. The problem is that modern conservatives who agree with the heritage foundation are not capable of feeling shame, guilt, empathy, compassion, or really any human emotion other than hate. They sacrificed their humanity to a reality TV game show host with a history of sexual assaults, bankruptcies both financially and morally, and reverence to dictatorial regimes.

Spencer is a great guy for doing what he’s doing. Him and Al Blaze.

Fire, as in out of a cannon and in to the sun right?

Fuck yes they do. Drown out the conservative propaganda that the mass media puts out daily.

Person has their panties in a twist because I said r/conservative is home to likely members of the Klan. Must be really mad if they are a member of that sub or subscribe to their worldview. Either way their "I r smarter than u" attitude isn't working.

I've changed my mind. You're more the type of person to be made fun of in /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM than the poster child of /r/iamverysmart.

Don't remember who said it, but a conservative would gladly eat shit in the remote offchance that a liberal would have to smell their breath.

There is no debating against the fact that Nazis are bad. As for any false equivalency, you can look at the world around you and see that it isn't false. The GOP is comprised of extremists and fascists. The DNC is comprised of various groups of centrists, moderate conservatives, neoliberals, liberals, and progressives. This just means that the DNC has everything to lose if they take one step towards anything left leaning.