Off topic, but most people would hit the ball much better with a way shorter backswing.

The difference is, I‘m talking about real people I know and you’re making it up based on what Fox News told you.

He’s an extremely nice and loving person who would do anything for others. I get it if you don’t appreciate that.

Yep. Never married until Mr Mason (in my head for now anyway)

Hook 'Em

It’s a good idea to read this post once a month until football starts and stay off the recruiting sites.

I’ve watched this show over 100 times and just found out with this post that his name was Alex. 😀


Whatever happened to Friday being the best episode of the week? That was some boring garbage.

I don’t watch fake Patrick, Sybil passing, or Anna SA

“It wasn’t my secret to tell”

“Mr Carson, may I have a word?”

See this is what Sheldon Cooper was talking about.

Hey Christians ! Jesus is pumping his fist holding his AR screaming “FUCK YEAH!”

Man he was amazing in Peaky Blinders. Robbed of an Emmy for sure.