I’m audit, and I only do walk-ins. I have absolutely no idea what promotions we have going on at any given time, my colleagues tend to be out the door within 90 seconds of me showing up.

Depends on the house. I’ve been in some where if most rooms are comfortable, one or two are either sweltering or freezing.

That's not how the force works

Poor Crix.

Helmut Zemo

Nick Fury just wants an opportunity to turn his brain off and live up to his name sometimes.

I’m in my mid-thirties and the Robin Hood in my head is still a coin flip between Cary Elwes and an anthropomorphic fox.

If you ask 10 people and nine of them say no, you’ve still got a date.


I’m pretty sure that’s the only correct answer.

Wouldn’t aslan porn be a subset of Jesus porn?

That's not how the force works

They’re pretty good with colors, they just call them flavors though.

Because if we’re arguing about the comparative effects for different systems we’ve already conceded legitimacy to the idea. People own things. People aren’t things. That’s the only argument against slavery I need.


Their are literally people who are currently enslaved. The Qatar World Cup stadia have bodies in the foundation. 6500 people died to build places to kick a ball real good. So while dealing with the after effects of slavery is certainly important, it’s still a thing. And it really needs not to be.

That's not how the force works

I’d be shocked if it was just one.

My grandfather developed Alzheimer’s. It was one of the things that made my parents decide that they’d prefer death on their terms.

You, right now by claiming that American slavery was some uniquely horrible thing. It was unquestionably horrific as slavery always is, but not particularly unique. There are still millions of people in bondage to this day.

The reason why you don’t see sizable African populations in the Middle East is because they routinely castrated their slaves. The American system was absolutely horrific, but minimizing the treatment suffered by people around the world to this day is also bad.

That's not how the force works

It didn’t look too much like her, but it’s not a great resolution on mobile, and I’m not aware of other live action Daphne’s.