You think people should just be allowed to sleep on sidewalks and parks? A sidewalk is for getting from place to place, a park is where I take my children to play. They're not places to live while you nurse a drug addiction or wait to die of hypothermia.

I acknowledged that things are being done out of order and this should only be enforced once homeless people have a publicly funded alternative for temporary housing, but never being allowed to remove homeless people from public spaces just ruins those spaces for everyone.

While I don't like homeless/mentally ill people occupying all the space that's intended for public use like parks, not having a social safety net/public projects for poor and homeless people to take advantage of temporary housing while they get back on their feet is just cruel. Everyone is just 2 or 3 unlucky days from being homeless themselves.

To me this seems like a fair rule, it's just fucked how bad we've been lagging as a society in having affordable housing.

Well if it means anything to you, from my perspective, the change in your body is very visible and you look bigger and fit.

Is this sub moderated? Or is it just a daily requirement that some variation of this meme or headline be posted ever single day

The picture of her on the right was posted by her on social media the last couple months. The latest season of the Boys was filmed before that.

This is hilarious - that's not a picture of him with his child, that's a picture of him with the actor Emmanuel Lewis aka Webster lol

A movie about Spiderman? What a novel concept

I bet he's right though. Most people that say they hate animal cruelty and don't think twice about the fact that they just had a burger for lunch. Like, it just doesn't count for some arbitrary reason

Actually some of the dumbest people are the ones that think that thinking confident smart people can't exist is a sign of low intelligence

That's your opinion. Many people, including the Supreme Court in 1973, seem to think that reproductive rights are strictly within the realm of an individual's privacy and the government is overreaching by restricting those rights.

She could have singlehandedly saved Roe v Wade and selfishly chose not to. Generations of suffering will be squarely her fault.

I live in California aka the most populated state in the union and the fifth largest economy in the world. By the time the primaries came around to us, Biden was basically already the nominee. It's a fucking joke.

Dude, after last night, I'm concerned about his ability to make it to inauguration day. He was looking feeble.

This is not a dig. The man is 81 years old. Human beings really start deteriorating fast in their late 70s.

I hate to break it to you, but if Biden doesn't drop out, Trump is going to win again.

Hilarious that Jake Tapper spends all day every day dissecting every little thing Donald Trump says and editorializes non-stop about how terrible his lies are, and when he's face to face with him and able to fact check him live in the position of a MODERATOR, just lets him get away with saying whatever shit be wants with 0 corrections whatsoever. Real journalism at work

The nuttiest thing is that the guy just stands up there and says "I never had sex with a porn star" when his lawyer fucking went to prison for paying her off. Literally nobody believes he didn't have sex with her... and he just gets to stand up there and say the complete opposite and he's still considered the "winner" of the debate

Yeah, my family got hit by it once. But our car was there for a couple weeks. Pretty sure a neighbor called it in.

I'm not worried about a second Biden term per se, he's the president now and the executive branch runs fine with him at the helm. It's just... embarrassing. As Americans, our choice is basically aggressive malice or decrepit status quo, when we really really really need inspirational leadership.

They said black guy couldn't win either. Strong communication skills make up for a lot of peoples' biases

I mean... I think I'm gonna end up doing exactly that