Can't uhh...cant say I've seen that last one..

Ayo you wild for this one

I ain't afraid to say that I've seen it or even gone lookin but posting it is crazy lmao


How??? I don't understand these high kill games I see lmao. My highest is 15 with 5 assists 2 deaths. It's not that I'm not capable of winning gunfights it more like how are you getting into so many fights?? Where are the people

This is a genuine question. I must be doing something wrong

Pretty much only play Medium : Scar, dematerializer, defib, jump pad, pyro


I have a keybind for one spray and it has been dva eating popcorn with her 3d glasses ever since I got them lol. Definitely my favorite one

Same. This is the second tattoo in the span of like four scrolls wth

After trying out the whole roster, I have one tricked Harley quinn since the beta. I just like her. That's it. They can buff her or nerf her, I'm still going to play her and only her.

Hello dankness my old friend :runescape2:

I'm a simple man making his way through the galaxy. Like my father before me.

:hrly1: Harley Quinn

Have they added the option to swap side and neutral attack?











Been naming it like this since bo2

I hope they add cranked from cod. Where when you get a kill, you have like 20 or 30 seconds to get another kill to refresh the timer or else you explode. On top of the timer, you have movement buffs. That would be the best gamemode for this game

I don't even care about leveling up my guns. Every gun is currently level 1 except for the first ar. I just want to have fun getting kills, really don't give a shit about levels or stats.

Their not? At least I don't think they are

Pretty sure their saying Hitler is a wrong opinion

It's crazy when this happens when a grenade explodes in the room underneath me. I did a very elongated "huuuuuuh" when it first happened to me and caused me death

And thank God for that. Even with the crutch I still die so new me probably wouldn't have lasted playing the game

Dst was my first don't starve game. After trying every character I turned into a Wendy main. For any game, once I find a character I like, I stick to them forever. So many struggles I don't even know about. Frog rain and hounds being some of them. Frog rain is just free food

I started playing Shipwrecked for the first time recently and had to wait to unlock Wendy. So I used Wilson. And holy shit...hound waves are impossible wth. My second death was because of multiple hounds. Well... It was to poison from a snake but I was at the snakes so that way they could take some aggro from the hounds off me lmao

Idk how you're meant to deal with that many lol. Glad I unlocked my Wendy

I appreciate it, really. It's more taxing for my mom since it's her sister but its still impacting me as well

But hey, no harm done on your part honestly. I didn't make that comment to try and call out you, the guy I responded to, or the artist. That wasn't my intention. Its just, this subject in particular isn't something that you get to relate to all that often. Thank God. So since it's something that's currently going on in my life, I just thought I'd share just to share


I think I personally prefer "Fuckin exploded"

Sorta butting in here but it relates

I currently have a close family member in a hospital bed for her liver due to drinking. Things are not looking too well. They could definitely be worse but still. So this image sorta hits rn