Self study

Do you think i can self study chemistry for the MCAT?

Are there any ontario universities that offer online intro chemistry 1 and 2? Advice

Looking to take one at athabasca or another online university... please let me know if anyone has any information

Do you think I need to take orgo for the MCAT? or just intro chemistry? and have you heard of any online courses at athabasca I could take instead?

How can I take intro chem and orgo in 3rd year? Question

Hi everyone! I am going into 3rd year nursing at mac and want to take chemistry and organic chemistry possibly at mac or online somewhere else? I am doing it for the purpose of writing the MCAT and am wondering what alternative courses might work? I would like to write the MCAT next summer so please let me know your ideas! :) thanks everyone

Usually around 3/4pm, all get sent out at once

Summer chemistry and organic chemistry courses for pre-med? Courses

Hi, I am looking to take chemistry and organic chemistry in the summer at york but go to a different school. Whats the common (easier?) course people take?


Hi, I haven't received the email like everyone else about admission apointments for this year. Is anyone in the same boat as me/have some advice? When I go on the mosaic it says that enrollment is not avaible at this time..... not sure what to do.

I have been admited for this year however I did not recieve an email with enrollment information unfortunately. Is anyone in the same situation or have any advice?