It’s not like that. Their first thought is they want to be pegged by a muscle momma not rode like a wild bronco

It’s a product of right wing media. They overcompensate to appear unbiased which means they meet to be hypercritical of Dems and lenient with gop. It’s how media works. Even your most liberal media is pretty centric

CNN’s right wing ownership is showing, but more realistically. Liberals and leftist don’t watch cable news like conservatives do, so the channel is trying to poach dissatisfied Fox viewers.

If it bleeds it leads. Even right wing media isn’t about the ideology, it’s about the profits. Why do you think every pundit that leaves legacy media pops up doing right wing media. It’s not my fault you don’t understand nuanced concepts.

Captain America

It’s a month long event trying to fomo and frustrate you into spending

Maybe you should learn the difference between a journalist and a pundit

Journalist don’t intentionally lie. Propagandist do.

People need to come to terms with the fact that journalist have bills to pay and they always play for the team that pays their bills.

It isn’t a hate thing. It’s a sad attempt to stay relevant. Legacy media is dying and the journalist left are desperately trying to create a large enough following that they can survive without having to change careers.

Captain America

So I have to read a fucking walkthrough guide to understand the event like I said in my original comment. Got it.

Then might I suggest you mind your own fucking business.


Right? The other guy is a convicted felon with multiple credible accusations of child rape, but Biden sounded like an old man at 8 pm on Thursday after a 12 hour day and traveling from dc to Atlanta so we can’t vote for him.

Captain America

That’s the problem though. You have to unlock a different character that requires you to collect orbs somehow, I guess that’s explained in the blog that was published sometime. I don’t know since I don’t read it

Captain America

What challenge? Beating people that spend the median mortgage payment on the game monthly for rewards that aren’t that good?

Captain America

Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think it would be that bad if I knew what I was supposed to be doing. Shouldn’t need a decoder ring and walkthrough guide to play a fucking mobile game.

Captain America

Hard disagree, turtle and poison the well so newer players are frustrated into quitting before they can deeply invest

Start at the county level. Get involved with them.