My grief therapist literally said to me:

“I can’t solve you’re problems, try looking for a god”

Actually I was just being sarcastic and silly…. Sorry didn’t realize you were autistic, have a nice day

gotta be at least 13 to create a Reddit account… bet you feel pretty stupid now hahahahhaha

I know right conservatives are so stupid no matter what full stop!! Everyone of them!!! I don’t understand why we haven’t rounded them all up and put them in some sort of chamber, then filled the chamber with gas?!?!

Do I get my vote ups now?!?! You know cuz I went along with the hive mind???? 🤞

I was about to call you a authoritarian liar but you made that clear with ur stupid ass comments

Ur not a real anarchist is you play Reddit for the vote ups… just another bee in the hive mind… get back to work downvoting people who don’t agree with you

Oh no the hivemind is here… “people don’t agree with me?!?!? Vote down hahaha I’m better!!!”

That was my impression of you

The vote up vote down system is just another form of hierarchy used to oppress those who don’t agree with the main steam way of thinking

I’m so sick of people telling me what to do.. this post is the last straw… I’m literally doing nothing now, and it’s all ur fault Oscar

The fact that you think I’m trying to “burn” you says a lot about you… you don’t hate capitalism at all, trust me, if you did you wouldn’t be commenting on Reddit right now… what you hate is greed

The difference between me and you is I’m honest with myself

You’re lying to urself… if ur trading ur time for money, buying food with paper, paying rent, commenting on Reddit, wearing clothes you didn’t make urself the only praxis ur committing to is consumerism

That’s ur problem you get bogged down in theory and don’t think realistically

Wrong.. go start a commune, grow ur own food, make ur own clothes, hang out at the library… you choose to participate because ur a consumer and ur lying to urself

I down vote all my own comments I don’t play they Reddit game like you fools… seems like a form of hierarchy to me

Also I upvote you cuz ur better than me

It’s impossible to have a 100% anarchist society might as well accept the fact that we’re all anarcho capitalist

And before you downvote this or reply with some snarky comment… throw away ur phone, quit lying to urself, and start living ur ideals

There’s a difference between trading hours of your life for pieces of paper and working together as a community to solve a problem that benefits all of us… one is much more rewarding

I don’t think It’s possible to get of the treadmill that is consumerism

I made a pretty tankie post one time saying we should hide in suburbs so the government will bomb us killing innocent people while trying to take out rebel groups which would turn the common folk against the government and they’d help our cause… y’all weren’t happy about it

You are my hero thank you for easing my troubled mind!!!

Lately I’ve been thinking about how I love Jesus, because Jesus he was a dirty homeless, hippy peace activist and he said drop out to find god to anybody who would listen while turning water into space bags with low life’s and anarchists

Haha yeah that’s what I’m doing too… I actually don’t have a problem with anything you’re saying. It seems you have problems with what I’m saying (and so do a lot of others)

my original point was to just say we’re kinda all the same… we all want no hierarchy… but every form of anarchy has some form of hierarchy

Oh shit, I musta forgot Reddit was full of autistic retards that don’t understand sarcasm or hyperbole. I’ll fix it for all the dumb asses like you:

“If that happened to me I would have a negative emotion”

Go start a commune and live what you preach get off ur phone… there’s plenty of ways to exit capitalism but you choose not to why is that? Cuz ur an anarcho capitalist

Edit: but I’m just an idiot and ur def better than me… what do I know