Ortho assistant of 11 years here… very confused by this lol please share details if you can :-)

You have a bilateral cross bite with your molars, and an open bite from premolar to premolar. Roughly how old are you? You may be having more skeletal growth since you got your braces removed. Also, all your retainers would do at this point is maintain alignment of your teeth (the “straightness”) … it has nothing to do with your bite.

Yeah that’s a splint! Or like a 0.50mm Essix at least. There’s a bunch of different materials out there, but it can certainly be used as a retainer since it’s vacuum formed :)

I guess I’m not really sure! Is “Sapphire” a brand? Just like another polycrystalline? Or is it monocrystalline? Either way, I’m not too familiar with the chemical composition specifics, but I know monocrystalline ceramic brackets have a higher fracture strength than polycrystalline brackets

No. Your gingival margins from your upper left canine to upper right canine are all pretty much on the same plane to start.

It’s pretty clear that when they used that open coil spring on a round wire to make space for your upper right lateral, it gave your upper right central a distal root tip / mesial crown tip.

They just need to put you in a rectangular archwire to start expressing tip & torque and upright that central. Plus the gingival margin of your upper right lateral is super low since it was blocked out to start with.

So, TLDR; it’s an optical illusion- look at your gingival margins. You never had a cant, and you don’t have one now. Just need proper tip on your central & possibly laser treatment on your upper right lateral to contour the gingival margin for aesthetics if desired! :)

Omg!!! Thank you! Holy sh*t lol I have been getting “bites” on my back and legs which I normally notice after sitting on the couch. That’s crazy and gross lol. Thank you for your help :) gotta get rid of these suckers

It wouldn’t hurt. You’re a class 1 canine on the left and a half step class 2 canine on the right (so your midline is off). You also have about 65% over bite and need to reverse the curve of spee of your upper arch imo. Your Overjet is hard to tell.. probably 3-4mm which is ok and will be good to derotate and align your upper and lower incisors. It doesn’t look bad at all to the average person though! Your smile is lovely as is. I think you could go either way. What are you looking to achieve ?

Edit- sp

Same. It was painful to get through lol I’m so glad they didn’t finish it

Yes, because they’re expanding her upper arch to correct the crossbite. They have to overcorrect first then correct everything at the end :)

I put braces on an 83 year old for TMJ pain! You’re definitely never too old for braces :) congrats!

They left you with a canted smile (aka crooked smile) and a class 2 canine bilaterally. Your over jet is a little high and you would probably benefit from some IPR on the bottom & retracting the upper teeth with a powerchain and elastics. I’d tell them to put braces back on you for free since they never finished you. If you want Invisalign, that would totally work for you, but be prepared to pay been $5,000 - $10,000 depending on where you live!

Also like what’s up with your curve of spee… Looks like your ortho needs to level out your upper arch in general! :o

Thank you so much!! 🤍

Thank you!! :,) I don’t normally wear bags, so I was super excited to dress for the occasion!

Haha yeah! It was just the straps being crossed in the front and choking you out rather than crossed in the back 🤣 just a silly thing that made me say huh 🤔 I guess it could be worn both ways though!