Your boyfriend sounds like a loser and a leech. I’d kick his loser ass out, there’s no reason for you to be supporting him if you don’t want to. Something worse to consider. If you get pregnant and there’s a child involved you’re gonna be stuck with this loser for a long time. Get out of the relationship while you can. No woman needs a lazy bum Like that

Free Safe spots around Toledo Ohio to sleep in my car?

Hey guys. There’s no rent control in Ohio. Some new owners bought my building and raised my rent $275 per month. Can’t afford it, so I put all my stuff into a storage unit and currently living in my car because I can’t find a place in my budget to live. What are some free safe spots to sleep overnight around Toledo, Lucas county or Maumee Ohio?

There’s a sucker born every minute paying $80 for five dollars worth of food

I’m smart enough not to be in the same social groups as my ex, so it’s not an issue for me

I did acid and was watching Scarface on an old black-and-white TV. I was so high I actually saw it in color, no shit

Food looks good, but be careful what happens in the divorce settlement if you can’t reconcile your differences through a marriage counselor. A friend of my fathers at work cheated on his wife. She took the house, the kids and he ended up in a 10×12 room in a rooming house Sharing the shower/toilet with a bunch of bums

Sorry to tell you this dude, but this looks like a piece of shit you picked out of your toilet💩

If thats cheese and taste like cheese🧀🧀🧀Im in

Im 22 and I’ve been stuck in front of my TV solid since yesterday, day #2 Today. Totally love heroes and icons. My aunt got me into all these griddle shows when TV was actually good

I’m a healthy young woman, and I want to be a healthy old woman one day, so for me very nutritious food

Happy Independence Day Aalliss🇺🇸We Love You🇺🇸

Been there done that. Unemployment insurance and welfare will save you

These are other ppls problems, not yours. Ignore their shit, concentrate on your own life. Fuck em! It works