Okay I have never heard of this person, but I just read the lyrics and saw some other song titles and they are the definition of r/iamveryedgy. So embarrassing lmao

Oregon was originally settled as a Black exclusion state. That’s why there’s very little Black population there even today (and why there is so much blatant racism).

This is so fascinating to me because despite my best efforts, I absolutely fell victim to the surprise trendy name for my son! We chose a name not in the top 1000 for either gender the year before he was born (not on purpose, it’s the name we both loved and that fit our son the best), and now it’s in the top 100 for both. I’m constantly hearing about new babies with the name. I don’t mind, of course, because I love the name and it’s so him. So fascinating though that everyone is thinking the same thing and there is no escape lol

Do you have more info on point 4? I’ve thought this myself, but I don’t know anything about it.

I hope one day I’ll see “Bertrand Russell” and not accidentally read “Russel Brand”

I wish I had remembered to take a picture of my belly right before going to the hospital! It all happened so fast, I didn’t even think about it.

Was I meant to read this in Ms Rachel’s voice? Because I absolutely did

Was I meant to read this in Ms Rachel’s voice? Because I absolutely did

NAD. This is what my mouth felt like after using a toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide as one of the main ingredients. Happened to my partner too. Absolutely tore our mouths up. I would stop using it and see what happens

This is exactly why I never sort by new anymore lmao

When I was a young name nerd my mom told me to never name my kid that because of the movies lol. They really terrified her when she was young. I’ve never seen them (also a scaredy cat) but that is my association, and that’s too bad because it’s such a nice name.

Wait what the heck? I only know about Waldorf because Bluey goes to a Waldorf school, and so it’s big with parents rn. Would never have thought it would be any more of a cult than Montessori is (which, okay, the Montessori parents can be pretty insufferable. But it’s not a cult). Down the rabbit hole I go!

Someone staying with me was using it and it smelled like Desitin! I kept coming out of my room being like, “Yo, it smells like Desitin in here.” I have a toddler, so I’m very familiar. Anyway, she stopped using it and I stopped smelling it. I felt a little bad for talking about the Desitin smell so much lol.

But also now every deodorant brand makes ”full body” deodorant? Not every part of your body needs deodorant! Sometimes you should smell at least a little like a human. I just feel like it’s such a weird slippery slope where once it becomes common enough everyone will just do it.

Rabies would really but something, what with the guaranteed death from rabies part

I really thought it was going to be FASD for a minute there. Maybe that’ll take off again.