As someone who works an absurd amount of time on FamilySearch, I agree, the family tree in the UK is not good. There are far too many people that don't know what they're doing that just merge everyone with the same name, even if they're born decades or centuries apart and living in completely different regions. It was a real hassle to clean up my own tree in Yorkshire, and I suspect now that it is done people will come in and mess it all up again. The trees in other countries aren't nearly as bad, but the UK (primarily England) is a real mess.

Not saying that. Trump is a monster, but we can't ignore how bad Biden is being on this issue either.

:flag-mn: Minnesota

He's unfortunately also permitted a massive amount of new fossil fuel drilling projects, even more than Trump did in fact.

I have my preferences, but the last 9 years have proven that the Dem elites don't care what progressives want. Best I personally hope for is a unity ticket at this point with another corporate Dem like Biden at the top and an actual progressive as VP who will actually influence policy and not just be a rubber stamp. I have a feeling if Biden does the right thing and steps out, the DNC will install another Gore/Lieberman or Clinton/Kaine type of ticket though. They'd rather lose to fascism than share power with left wing reformers.

I'm confident that even if bumbling Biden is at the top of the ticket, he'll win here, but WI and MI are probably out, along with PA GA AZ and NV

:flag-mn: Minnesota

Young people do vote in lower numbers, partly because they see both parties are corporate owned, both are way too right wing for the average younger voters (more agree with Socialism than Capitalism). But to ignore the profound effect the media has on influencing things is just being willfully ignorant

Interesting. I was not aware there were any surviving church records predating that. Is there a list of them somewhere, or how would I go about finding them if they're not on FamilySearch or Ancestry?

I've found the best tactic is to limit it to 5 individual photos per person, usually one from each walk of life (childhood, wedding/young adult, middle age, and elder). Group photos can be extra, but still try to limit those too so it's not too cluttered.

I'm supporting the DFL this year, Minnesota Democrats actually fought hard, passed the most progressive agenda in our state's history. National Democrats on the other hand have been milquetoast at best, that includes our US Senator Klobuchar.

It's all a mute point unless Biden drops out though, his hubris will be the end of our democracy

Keep telling people to vote, that's clearly a better strategy than Biden dropping out of the race so a winning candidate can run

:flag-mn: Minnesota

It was possible for Bernie to win the majority of pledged delegates until the last major contest (California and a few other states). He was behind, but if he averaged 66% of the vote, he would have had the majority. Not out of the realm of possibilities considering he exceeded that in every other Pacific state (WA OR HI and AK).

Unfortunately the corporate media literally called the entire election the night before that big vote, telling everyone it was all over and done with, which massively suppressed the vote. They were including Super Delegate numbers, despite the fact that SDs have never overturned the popular will in the modern era, and didn't even have a vote on the 1st round.

Facts are facts, Bernie literally could have won with a big showing almost up until the end. And I will contend to until the day I die he would have won the whole primary if there wasn't a score of really shady, undemocratic, unfair things the establishment did previous to that.

:flag-mn: Minnesota

Michael Moore got death threats because he made the same prediction. He even predicted exactly which states would flip, and got zero apologies from Establishment Democrats for it.

Risking America's future on his hubris, what a selfish SOB

:flag: Flag of Minnesota

I wonder if there's some type of side shade that can be put over these lights so they only shine down to the ground and not out. Maybe investigate it, then buy one, then go say hi to your neighbors and bring it up (after a polite hello and introduction).

The Democratic Establishment doesn't care about hearing the left, only whipping them into compliance. If they put half this effort into fighting the fascists, we might actually have a decent country.

:flag: Flag of Minnesota

It's well run. One of the best run states in fact, a place where regular folks have a better life. Most states are pretty dysfunctional, especially right wing Southern states, but MN works well. That said, be ready for the winters, they are long and brutally cold, so have an indoor hobby that you love spending time doing.

I actually loved the first 3 episodes. The world building and feel is incredible, but I am drawn to dystopian fiction to begin with.

I've spent a stupid amount of time doing genealogy research, and find it very important to be honest about every connection along the way going back in time. As someone who also fell for long distant trees that supposedly led to kings of Norway, trust me, it's fiction.

Church records only go back to the early 1500s in the best cases (so could potentially document a burial of a 100 year old person born in the 1400s), but often only the late 1600s or mid 1700s. There are other documents that can be used to extend things further back, particularly probates and tax records, but they are really spotty, and it is rare to be able to reliably bring anything back before that.

The number of people that can actually connect to old royalty or nobility from the year 1000 is so rare that almost every claim can be dismissed outright. It's very common for people to want to believe they came from such high born people, or even just the desire to take the lines further back in time, but it almost never is true. Even reliably tracing things back to the 1600s is difficult, due to misattributions (same named person getting attributed to someone else with that name).

Keep researching though, start with your grandparents and work your way back step by step. You'll still find some incredible discoveries along the way.

It's actually liberating to just skip all that by not picking up things you don't need. Maybe something to sell here and there, but generally not worrying about how many septims you have and living to survive takes the encumbrance pressure off.

What's with the flood of DNC propaganda in this subreddit lately?

There are some lockbashing mods that are fun for barbarian play throughs. Weapons like 2 handed warhammers work the best, but it scales down depending on your weapon. If the bash doesn't work, you just miss out on what's inside.

Really wish we could go back to the time when we didn't have all these ridiculous 'security' measures for airports. There was a single case of a shoebomber in the UK (IIRC) around year 2000 and billions of shoes have had to come off since. Even the security screenings didn't used to exist, you could just walk in and hang out in the airport for no reason if you wanted to, just to people watch.