I completely understand. It's absolutely insane that you have to put at least a couple hundred dollars in this game for it to be somewhat enjoyable. High school years, get to work, for rent, cats and dogs and seasons should have been at least in the main game because holy cow is the game so empty without them.

This is why i pirated the dlcs after like two years of this game being out. I continue to enjoy the Sims 4 to this day but the fact that it's absolutely bare bones without dlcs is appealing. I am not going to spend so much money on a single game that drip feeds content behind a million dlcs that could have easily been an update.

Some of those dlcs have essential features and mechanics that are mandatory if you want to play this game for more than 20 mins.

He's completely valid. I don't think R* Should continue the story of the gang. I think the story is wrapped perfectly and trying to squeeze a third game out it would probably make an overall worse story.

They can make a new RED DEAD game, but it shouldn't be a redemption game. It should be set earlier and with a different cast of characters.

Holy shit I'm as tall as koichi

It's simply due to the fact that the amount of ludonarrative dissonance in this game is quite insane, a problem the first game didn't suffer with. Ellie's actions throughout the game are ignored as if she didn't kill like at least hundreds of people by the end of the game.

This is a story about the cycle of violence and how it affects people, yet not a single time in the entire 20 hour run does the game try to justify its moral standpoint. Ellie seemingly has no issue with committing straight up genocide against any group that even blinks wrong, but has to stop and question herself when killing the sole reason why her dad, his friends and a dozen other people are dead.

This is just one issue with this game's story. There's also the horrible pacing, the majorly under developed cast of characters and the excessive amounts of dialog that is boring and often needlessly padded out.

That's not brave, though. Coming to this game, everyone pretty much knew Joel is kicking the bucket. From the first trailer the main point of discussion was if Joel is dying. And let's not pretend that killing him was some risky move, because it's very clear that ellie was the more popular character anyways. It's not like the last of us 2 having a different protagonist will ultimately mean nobody is playing it.

And let me be clear by saying that I have nothing against killing off Joel! I thought it was a cool scene too, but just like you mentioned, it was all in the opening to the game, which is 20 hours long. What do the following 19 hours provide plot wise? Literally almost nothing!

It's a long witch hunt which is segmented between two povs that service the plot in no way. And whatever progress the story is having is always halted by yet another flashback segment. It's as if the devs have written themselves into a corner by killing Joel too early, and didn't know what to do next.

And who did they replace Joel with? A bunch of characters the game begs you to care about yet provide less than the bare minimum for them to even matter. And when you DO start caring, they either lose plot relevance or are killed off. Like, don't get me wrong, Joel wasn't a perfect character, and often suffered from very common video game male protagonist tropes, but at least the writing was good enough for me to care.

Even tho Joel was, in retrospect, not so different from the people he fights and kills throughout TLOU, the game made me care because the story was made in such a way that Joel and Ellie's actions have real emotional impact not only on them, but also on me. That power is all but gone in TLOU2. Nothing means anything anymore. When someone dies I'm not shocked or saddened, I'm almost always like "Oh no. Anyways...."

The last of us 2 is a remarkable case of how you can provide a 20 hour long experience while at the same barely having any substance within those 20 hours.

This game's plot is so lost between what it's trying to say and what it's actually saying, that it ends up saying nothing at all.

I cared about Joel, i cared about Ellie, but In the sequel i don't even know if the game itself cares.

Now I completely understand if you think everything i just said was a big fat pile of bull shit, because at the end of the day, art is subjective and we all have different opinions on what makes art good or bad, but I hope that it was clear why, in my opinion, TLOU2's story is painfully mediocre at its best and tragically awful at its worst.

I think NakeyJakey made a fantastic video about this game a few years ago and much of what he says aligns with my opinion. Even if you like TLOU2 i encourage you to watch this because it perfectly illustrates why i and many others were left frustrated by this game.


I call it generic because it is generic. I respect your opinion, but as a fan of story driven games it is incredibly difficult for me to ignore TLOU2's narrative blunders. This game's story is about as nuanced and fleshed out as a C tier TV show.

Characters come and go without giving them proper time to develop, the pacing is all over the place, over relying on flashbacks in already messy plotline, dialog that is more boring than watching paint dry, and worst of all, by the end i felt like nothing that happened in the course of the story amounted to anything. It's honestly spectacular how the same people that made the first game and the uncharted series thought this was a good story. The game has somewhat of a strong opening but after the few first hours I was constantly hoping that the next level would be the last. It was such a painful experience.

A game like ghost of tsushima does a much better job at telling the type of story that TLOU2's pretends to tell. Revenge in ghost of tsushima is done justice, how it changes people and how it impacts the world around them. The morality of revenge is also better explored, better defined and better justified.

Similarly, God of war 2018 and its sequel do a fantastic job of telling a post revenge story, which isn't directly the same as TLOU2's, but illustrates how the same elements of storytelling could have been utilized in it.

Judgment is also a better example of a game that handles characters with clashing motives and goals. Unlike TLOU2, Judgment doesn't require a 42 page long essay for you to justify why the antagonist is doing what they're doing.

Of course, i am not saying that TLOU2 should be more like those games, i am illustrating how i fail to see the game's story as "Brave", "Compelling" or "Mature" as I hear people calling it, when there are games doing a much better job than it at doing the same things.

TLOU2's story isn't brave; it's cliché, predictable and painfully average. Its story is a "Turn your brain off and enjoy it" type of deal.

What beliefs did TLOU2 push or challenge? It was a generic revenge story that ended in the most predictable way possible. No hate for those who like it, i myself think it was okay, but it's better to accept that some people simply didn't like it.

The game's narrative was rushed, with characters often underdeveloped, and a plot that lacked any real resolution. The game ended as empty as it began.

It's my opinion that while visually stunning, filled with action packed set pieces and brilliantly accessible, TLOU2 failed to deliver a story worthy of being the sequel to the original game.

You can't have guns, explosives or anything extremely violent in Lego, and EPIC of course are forced to follow these standards. I don't mind the censorship, we have to remember that this game is, at the end of the day, mainly played by children, so we have to compromise here and there.

Still, i find the Lego model to be quite cute.

From my personal experience I think what non gamers struggle with the most is actually camera movement.

Like they'd take a while to figure out how and where to move the camera so that your character is in frame, which is very weird to me because i don't remember struggling with it even when starting gaming as a kid.

I get where you're coming from but i have to somewhat disagree. Dedsec is a bunch of anarchists who mostly fight gangs and corrupt law enforcement , i don't see how out of character is it for Marcus to kill when he has to, especially when everyone seems like they're the one shooting first. They're not hipsters, they're revolutionaries, and historically these people tend to get some amount of blood on their hands eventually.

Dedsec are vigilantes, not heros.

In my opinion i think a non lethal marcus is at least more canon, he doesn't really strike me like someone who is used to killing like Aiden was in watch dogs 2, but i think even his canon kills are not totally out of character when viewed in a broader context.


Watch dogs 2.

At release everyone shat on this game due to it being "Cringe" or just because they didn't like the first game, but to me it's insanely fun and majorly slept on.

Everything from style, tone, vibe and aesthetic is on point. The gameplay combines stealth and action while giving you the freedom to tackle missions as you like.

You can literally play most of the game without going into a single gunfight and instead relying on hacking things from a far distance, just like real life hackers. Or maybe you want to go run and gun against the multiple factions in the city, who all have different tools to fight back against you. The choice is yours and the game lets you experiment with all the tools it provides. One time i finished a mission by remote driving a car with C4, killing everyone in the Area which allowed me to sneak in and finish the objective. The fact that an option like this, which i came up with, not only is viable but is actually fun says a lot about this game's sandbox.

The world was vibrant, packed with content and fun to roam in. Sure, the driving has issues and is no GTA, but once you get immersed in this digital version of San Francisco you'll feel like you're inside a real living world. There's immense detail thrown into every corner of this city and i keep finding new things even today.

The story isn't perfect but it's good enough to keep you interested. The main highlight of it are the amazing cast of characters who have really fun dialogs and feel like real people that you can relate to, and By the end of the game you'll feel like had an adventure with your friends.

It saddenes me when people reduce the watch dogs series into "Just another gta clone" Because it's more than that.

People who put you down for playing a game that they don't like need to seriously get a life.

People at first didn't like the engine change, because going from yakuza kiwami/0 or yakuza 5 to yakuza 6 was very jarring. The controls were completely different and there was a layer of jank that covered the entire physics engine which gave people a bad impression.

Additionally, the way you upgrade kiryu was also changed which added to the confusion. And weapons got completely nerfed to the ground to the point of being almost useless.

Some of these issues would be later fixed with kiwami 2 and then the judgment games. It's clear that the devs were still adapting to the new engine and needed time to iron out it's problems.

With that being said, i can't deny that yakuza 6 remains one of the best in the series. Once you get used to its quirks and enjoy the game it really becomes clear how much love and effort went into making this game.

It's very hard to put down 6 because it's by far the most revolutionary game in the series. We can thank this game for almost everything we enjoy in yakuza games today. The series had to take a leap forward at some point and even tho it might not have had a perfect landing, in retrospect, it was worth it.

Actually it's peak because after seeing kiryu go through absolute hell in kiwami 2 you get to see him happy for once just chilling and helping out his kids and giving them life lessons for like 8 hours before the actual story starts and he's thrown back to the yakuza life.

People have had a hate boner for ubisoft since the release of watch dogs 1, which was met with disappointment because people had insane expectations for it that were ludicrously unrealistic. (also their shady marketing didn't help.)

Ubisoft went on to have a few shitty games here and there, which was enough to mark them public enemy number 1 on the internet Forever.

It had a lot of negative comments so i don't find it surprising act man decided to delete it. I still think it was a pretty fun video, though. Also He regularly pumps out great content like let the man get his bag.

People have been wanting an assassin's creed set in Japan since forever, I don't understand what you mean.

Cod was creatively bankrupt before warzone for a variety of reasons, but After it was introduced the franchise's fate was forever sealed. The direction cod is taking is slowly killing all my interest for it. All we are getting is literally the same game just worse everytime.

Cod should have stopped at MW19 and just kept updating and adding new content to it rather than releasing more sequels. It is already a live service game, you don't need an entire new game to add a few maps, guns and skins.

The fact that the cod community has no issue with paying 70 dollars to get a reskin of last year's game, which will stop getting important updates in a around 6 months as the next game starts being advertised, is honestly appalling.

Life is strange is an amazing game, why should it matter that the main characters are gay? Just play the game and have fun.

I know right? I'm hoping we get more 80s music this time around as I think it fits the Vice city setting quite well.

Deport all Italian people. The Mafia fucked up this city for so long.