
I mean, Bertolli tastes like shit, so maybe it's because it was adulterated all along? Idk


Just make sure you get oil specifically labeled "Virgin" and nothing else, then it shouldn't contain any refined oil. Monini is the best supermarket option I've found here so far.


The way people here treat fireworks really taught me how to hate them even more than I already did. :x

Babbling Buffoon

Yeah, I usually just lower autonomy and let my armies deal with the rebels while I'm making claims, alliances, and favours, and likewise the stacks spawned by taking crownland are small and shitty relative to my stack so it's again not an issue to reclaim most or all before absolutism enters.

It's probably not the best strategy of them all, but it works for me.

Babbling Buffoon

I'm usually so fixed on the idea of gaining mil quickly to gank whichever neighbour I can get a good alliance on to get the ball rolling to think much of reforms in the early game. And usually I pick all three manas since I don't consider the effects that detrimental to my play style, at least until I've cleaned up the crownland.

If I can ask, which ones do you typically pick to get a fast start, and for what play style?

Babbling Buffoon

Exactly. The debuff to tax is easily offset with loans that you can pay off with income you get after steamrolling your neighbours with your superior mil tech. I don't remember the other two debuffs, and by the time absolutism matters you should already have managed to reclaim all the crownland.

Babbling Buffoon

I always start by choosing the ones that give +1 monarch points; it's early game so the effect of low crownland don't matter that much anyway.


Which I guess comes from their tendency to do things a weird way (Imperial system, MMDDYYYY, Letter/Legal instead of ISO 216, etc) and then being surprised when the rest of the world doesn't.. but it's funny when one of the many non-US people point out that stuff like ideal, Maestro/Vpay, or long pauses in the middle of films, is weird, a lot of people are very quick to claim that "it's normal everywhere!!" (even when dozens of other people will happily explain that it's not) and that the person pointing it out must be from the US. :D


Taking kitchen appliances out is normal in Germany, though weird to most others, but I've never seen any listings for flats without flooring and wallpapers there. Can't say I've heard of it being normal in France either, and can't find articles that suggest flats without flooring and wallpaper scraped off the walls being normal there.

Til slutt sa han "si det en gang til på den måten... Det er ikke en trussel om å gjøre deg noe, men se hva som skjer om du sier det en gang til".

Dette er ikke normalt, uansett om man er full eller ikke, og et gigantisk rødt flagg. Slå opp, del denne kommentaren (og eventuelle lignende ting) fra ham med nærmeste familie og/eller venner du stoler på slik at de er klar over hvordan han har behandlet deg.


The sad thing is that the flooring very likely just gets thrown out, because it's unlikely to fit the next place they move to, and reinstalling it just isn't worth it to most people.


In which countries have you experienced this when renting, exactly? Tearing out the flooring and ripping off the wallpaper before moving out is not normal outside of the Netherlands.


I have grown tired to make Dutchies understand that this is not normal anywhere in the world

I've noticed that Dutch people, on social media in particular, have a tendency to think their way is the normal and how it's done everywhere else in the world too, even when an overwhelming majority tells them it's not.

We hebben veel lavendel en korenbloem op ons balkon geplant, waardoor we aardig wat bijen en hommels op bezoek krijgen, maar minder dan vorig jaar.. En ik kan me niet herinneren dat ik dit jaar maar één vlinder heb gezien :(


You have to pay

Per use? I'd guess that's the issue then. If there's no personal consequences for not paying, tokkies aren't gonna pay.


fact: the sheer amount of packaging used in the NLs is simply overwhelming

This is true. I grew up in Norway and thought we used a lot of plastic packaging, but the Netherlands really takes the cake, partially thanks to all the pre-sliced vegetables and "multipacks" of whole vegetables (because you must buy peppers in multiples of three??).

Om disse folka faktisk endte opp i fengsel og fikk hjelpen de trengte så ville det vært ypperlig, men selvtekt er vel ofte en respons til en følelse av at dette ikke skjer og/eller at politiet ikke gjør nok – slik som da nazister marsjerte i gatene for ~10 år siden for å "holde ro og orden" etter en serie overfallsvoldtekter.

Men så er de ikke politi heller, så det er ulovlig uansett hvordan de går frem.

At det er fremprovosert tilfelle av noe en person "aldri ville gjort ellers" faller på sin egen urimelighet all den tid det hverken var snakk om uvitenhet eller engang spontanitet, men om en person som over tid prater og bygger et forhold med, og etterhvert møter for å forgripe seg på, vel vitende om at personen, ekte eller ikke, er mindreårig.

Dette er en handling som er planlagt og overveid, og at det eneste de trengte for å dyttes i den retningen var at muligheten bydde på seg tilsier at det bare var et spørsmål om tid.

Jeg mener ikke at man skal oppfordre til dette, men jeg kjenner også at jeg ikke synes så synd på en person som planla å ha sex med barn og får seg et par never i stedet.

Usanne rykter kan spres om hvem som helst og burde absolutt ikke være grunnlag for å banke noen, men om det er slik at de har pratet med vedkommende og latet som om de er en mindreårig person som vedkommende har gitt uttrykk for at hen vil møte for å ha sex med, så kjenner jeg litt på en følelse av at jeg ikke bryr meg så veldig om at det er ulovlig.


Least entitled boomer behind the wheel. :x


Tbf they probably wouldn't park on the pavement if you were standing there smiling at them with a u-lock in hand either. It's more about blocking off the pavement so antisocial people don't see it as a free storage place for their own private belongings.

Babbling Buffoon

All the way into 2096, so clearly.


I report it every time, with pictures, and luckily the handhaving are pretty quick to show up. They're stalling like mad with the flower pot though, with their latest claim being that "a flower pot on the pavement can be dangerous for traffic"; somehow unlike all the other obstacles on the pavement (restaurant benches, fences, light posts, etc.), and unlike cars that block the entire pavement, part of the road, and occasionally people's front doors.

The trick seems to be to annoy the shit out of them.

If your party gains the vote majority of all parties but is still below half, they have to build coalitions with other parties

Doesn't sound weird to me. I mean, that's how a large share of the world does it.

Ville du slåss mot en elg, kanskje? Ikke jeg heller. Elgdiett er veien.