Well in lithuanian there is a saying that BMW is “an overly fancy volkswagen” (baisiai mandras volkswagenas). Also them beeing in the same group doesn’t necesseraly mean they’re simmilar cars but they ofc do share some technology and parts

The A220-100R is good to start short and some medium long routes. The Il96-300 is good to start on long-haul. As for Medium range probably just start with some a319/a320 or b737 family until you research the airbus neos and 737 max 8-200 and max 9

All good, they respond quite quickly on whatsapp and shirt quality is good

Focus on one type of plane rather than just use whatever you get. It will make for easier scheduling as you should use your planes to at least 80% but more is always better.

Short and medium haul are really good at the beggining because you can grow your airline faster as aircraft cost less but are smaller and bring in a bit less money. You’ll be able to start long haul when you feel that you make enough money to buy 300million planes.

For finding routes you can use this tool. Don’t bother with circuits at the start. Also only buy new routes when you used up most of the demand on your current ones. Buy a new hub when the subsidies on your current one run out.

As for types of planes to use you are absolutely right with the 737 maxes as the max8-200 is one of the best mh planes in the game altough it’s not easy to research at the start. Alternatively you can use the A220-100R as a good starting short haul option. The A320 and 737 variants are also not bad to start with. Eventually you’ll modernize your fleet with whatever aircraft is the best for you. As for long haul the il96-300 is a really good starting option for it’s cheap price.

I’ve only bought a few jerseys in general. All from messi105 and really enjoyed the experience, they’re also one of the cheapest on the market

:snoo_smile: Visitor

Also loved my time in agadir, amazing city. Altough didn’t really like marrakech because the centre is overcrowded and filled with scooters and exhaust smell.

+86 198 6473 4990 this is messi105 contact number I’ve used in the past

Well the money doesn’t matter as much in end game as you earn more than you can spend. It’s more about helping others than getting benefits

Yeah in the episode where the hacker hijacks the hospital bailey says she’s Emt certified or something along those lines even tough she was working at the fire station.

France because they have places on highways where the right lane randomly turns into a turning lane with no signs.

Well I think irl alliances do get discounts from part manufacturers especially if they order in bulk but it’s just not implemented into the game because it’s too hard to code on an old game

:Germany: Germany

A wc every two years isn’t a good option because smaller teams wiuldn’t qualify especially in europe where there are a ton of strong teams. Countries like Georgia or Albania would never make a major tournament without the Euro

It really depends on the commentators but it’s usually the simple things you would hear anywhere else. It includes the actions taking place and all sorts of facts on the players and teams. The ratio beetween these two varies a lot and I personally don’t like the commentators that just spit facts endlessly while a team is passing around. Generally if there’s two commentators it is way more entertaining.

Yeah, you can also fill out demand on your current routes by buying more planes and the buy a new hub

You should buy a new hub when route subsidies run out on your previous one

Try to use the same type of planes so you can buy more whenever you have the money and just copy the schedules of your previous planes

I think the q-400 is a good option, the range isn’t great but I think it’ll be enough for you

Well i follow nate since the silver coupe so idk abiut the past ones but this just further proves the fact that he wants to live in coupes

You have long haul planes but not long haul routes. You should buy routes to asia/europe to use your a380s and a350s. Medium lenght routes are good to begin with like I’ve seen you done with the 321neos but long haul is more profitable later on. Also as the other comment said you should try to use your planes more by either adding shorter routes or routes that keep your plane flying at least 80-90% of the time. For that you can use this site which helps you find routes and circuits.

Nate has lived in 3 different coupes (silver, blue and red idk the models). He has no problem doing it and probably doesn’t need the extra space since he’s small. He also prefers “sporty” cars since he finds them more fun to drive.

You can use noway info to find routes/circuits

This pretty much sums up my fleet. I started with A220-100R then A321N then A330-800 and now I’m experimenting a bit more with other lh planes like the A380 and the A350-900XWB

Sh/mh is better at the start I think just because you grow a little faster.