That's really wonderful. It is worth noting that that's an especially good experience for Overwatch. Afaik it is generally better than CoD. But sadly Overwatch is not as wholesome as that session all of the time. Keep positively contributing though and you'll help push the needle that way!

No. If you want a good equity image then buy a great monitor. Keep in mind though that thr ultra high hz ones aren't usually also the best possible picture quality ones. Like the best picture quality high hz screens are often very close in picture quality to the best picture quality screens but you might be able to get a slightly nicer picture for less money if you look at other options.

They don't. They're always intentionally toxic propaganda. They just start with a reasonable and light-hearted face until they've built up an audience they can lead towards whatever agenda or ideology the page was created to promote.

Piers Morgan has had a number of good takes recently. Given that he just says whatever he thinks will help his career at the time I think that might serve as a weather vane indicating that popular opinion might be getting slightly more sane and civil again.

The blue light thing is snake oil. Strictly speaking OLEDs are the eyes because they are able to have the most gradual control over brightness (all the way down to zero light) and therefore they'll emmit less light on average (but with better contrast.)

TBC VA LCDs have deeper blacks than IPS LCDs.

OLED black is darker than LCD is capable of.

In my case it's entirely about the speed I can get it down. Typing (for most people) is much faster than writing.

Make custom games with bots on both teams. Start slow with low level bots and only 3v3 (one of each role). If you play with her then play on her team and focus on supporting what she's doing rather than playing for yourself. Build gently from there as she grows in confidence and ability.

Yeah and they're super close. They did a whole show together at New Years eve I think.

Miley Cyrus singing anything live outside of her professional touring is usually awesome. Her Tiny Desk (not done at the NPR office due to lockdowns) is great.

Edit: Thanks for your opinions, I will probably buy him a new one in time

The son: Hey everyone, I would like to thank you for the support on my PC situation rn.

I can confirm I was promised a new PC by the end of may.

Sorry_Ambassador_250's Dad; it's June, what new PC did you get your son?

The important thing is that once Keirs Labour show themselves to be only a slightly less nasty version of the Tories we then put pressure to drag them back to their traditional position through the threat of further left parties eroding their vote-share (just as with the Tories over the last 15 years.) Before that can happen though the Tories need to lose hard enough to no longer be the sole cause for concern for Labour campaigners.

Vote out Tories now, then afterwards support whoever puts the most pressure on Labour to get back to their traditional position.

That's 66 too many. The left being hoodwinked into thinking this is the election where they can meaningfully drag the Overton Window left of current Labour by voting against them is probably going to make it more like 100 anyway.

It's the same idea just with different levels of execution.

You think drinking a liquid is a greater choking hazard than sucking it off a smooth stone?

That's not true. He also convinced Americans to perform genital mutilation on their sons for the same purity bullshit.

Sentencing is July 11th. Noone will really know for sure until then.

But the fact that he's officially a convicted felon (and anyone and everyone can directly state that) is going to debt his support a bit.

The UK gets rid of the Conservative government on 4th July and then the USA sentences convicted felon Donald Trump for his crimes a few days later on the 11th.

Well, a big company won't, it would want to squeeze every dime

I mean... Netflix Games and YouTube games are both full of titles like this.

It's really more of a discussion about verbal conversations rather than written instructions...