And are protected by Golems

Is this them freaking out about falling birthrates so they desperately want real life sex to come back?

Spain does not have anywhere close to the level of government control as Russia and China

Assuming he even makes it to the island. The Indian navy does routine patrols specifically to stop people like him

I also wouldn't say no to every single Epstein related document being leaked.

What is even the point of going on vacation if your just gonna watch shit you can do at home?

But why are most women repulsed by bisexual men? Make it make sense

Wouldnt say that green. It is very bright by camouflage standards but I still would not call that lime, this camo is the colour of well maintained grass. Anyway the purpose of camouflage is not to blend in 100% with the surroundings, but to make your enemy's brain filter out the whole thing as background noise, which is the reason digital camo works despite squares not being a thing in nature

Recent major breakthroughs in stem cell research show a lot of promise, in short, regular body cells could be converted back into stem cells and grown in cultures, without any of the ethical issues of using embryos. Ideally everyone would have a stash of perfectly maintained stem cell cultures that can be easily accessed in case a new organ is ever needed. Organ transplants right now are effectively a zero sum game, the only place you can get them is from other people and there arent enough spare hearts to go around, so your chances are slim unless you live in a nightmare autocratic regime and are BFFs with the supreme leader

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

American parties only ever have to worry about the other party, resulting in two fossils arguing that their golf skills should make them the leader of the free world

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

My area has historically been a strongly contested seat between Libdems Tories, yet we just had the first Labour win in about 100 years, so it seems they put their campaigning elsewhere

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

The Tories for the past 9 years have been bending over backwards trying to appease the Reform types, even with them not getting many seats

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

Ah yes, back when people still thought the Iraq war was a good idea and not supporting it would get you shunned, yes that was a thing

Damage is one thing but guns have very iconic firerates in real life, you can't change that so easily

I like the concept that you cannot travel faster than light, but if you change the speed, you can travel faster than what we would percieve as 299,792,458 m/s. If a civilization could manipulate spacetime, they could increase lightspeed in a certain containment area and if scaled up enough, could build vast lightspeed containment tubes that form highways where ships can travel in mere days.

Also I dont care what anyone says, I want quantum entanglement to be useful, why did God have to patch that glitch?

I quite like the opposite. FTL travel but no communication. Which would require a whole system of couriers and best of all would allow writers to easily tap into historic tropes from when information couldnt travel faster than a horse. I'm hardly an expert on Dune lore but I think thats how it works there, the entire Empire is HRE inspired feudalism with the only true power being the Spacer Guild.

If computers were allowed unlike in the Duniverse, depending on FTL speed and energy cost you could set up a functional galactic internet by using vast swarms of data carrying FTL drones that constantly travel between systems, maybe running at the speed of actual internet if theres no limits at all

Its a thing in Minecraft, each block you travel in the Nether is 8 in the overworld, so people build highways in there

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

Many states in America have actually banned lab grown meat? How you may ask? Because literally lobbying from meat companies. Some meeting took place behind closed doors, what was said was never made public, but just like that its now illegal

North Korea is shit for agriculture but has great mineral wealth. Vice versa for South Korea, they were never meant to be apart

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

Anything that uses that Chad wojak meme is an instant sign I can ignore them, its not even well drawn.

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

I still infinitely prefer what we have now over the de facto 2 party state there. Both the Republicans and Democrat parties get extremely complacent because the only real threats they face are each other, which results in 2 elderly people arguing about golf in front of hundreds of millions because theres no real incentive to try any harder.

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

Mathematically every voting system is gonna have problems. If you have three parties each with similar levels of support, no election will ever be won with more than 50% of the vote, that would be true even under a PR system. Its either that or America's 2 party system, and you saw last week just what it results in

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

Lib Dems got over 70 seats despite having fewer total voters than Reform, this is very much a case of pick your battles, they focused themselves mainly on seats unlikely for Labour to win

The worms are because they fertilize the fields with untreated poo, just dump it on because they have nothing better. Also North Korean geography absolutely sucks for all things agriculture