Baron Perkeo seedSeed

After weeks of searching, I finally found it. A naturally found seed with Baron, Mime, Blueprint, Brainstorm, DNA, Perkeo, Cryptid, Ectoplasm, Deja Vu, and Chariot.

Several runs have failed during the grueling task of finding this one. But this one succeeded. All the pieces fell into place...just a little too late.

Perkeo was the last to show, and my run ended in Ante 21. My high score was 5.360e50, no where near naninf. I didn't have enough time to have Perkeo build up enough cryptids to keep the run alive. I rolled as many times as I could, trying to find another ectoplasm in the hopes of finding Invisible to survive longer, but it never materialized. Maybe the seed can be optimized, but I tried my best.

Maybe I'll try again some other time, but for now, I'll turn my attention to trying to 100% the game.

If anyone makes the seed work all the way to Naninf, let me know!

Seed: 865PKDAC

The difference between Russia-Ukraine and China-Taiwan is so vast that I don't think people really grasp how bad a conflict between the two would get. Russia is a developed nation attacking a developing nation in Ukraine. China is the second most powerful country in the world that would attack a developed nation with other world powers as allies.

The scale of the conflict would absolutely dwarf what is happening in Ukraine right now.

Happened to me with [[perkeo]] [[baron]].

I was set up to go all the way to ante 39, then realized too late that all my cards got debuffed by the plant.

Nothing I could do but score 15 points a hand and watch my run die.

[[Hanging Chad]] honestly does so much work during the mid antes. I roll with it and [[photograph]] every game if I can until I can pivot to higher scoring combos.

Either way the Democrats would probably win in a landslide as the republican party absolutely tears itself apart.

We would probably see an entirely different party in 2028. If not it may dissolve or splinter into two distinct parties. Far right fascists will definitely become more politically enabled.

Dad flexStory

My daughter isn't even 5 months old, but today she learned how to cruise. She's not advanced at crawling. In fact, she kinda just rolls everywhere at the moment. But today, as I was holding her upright, she took a couple steps on her own. She's done it before as babies do, randomly moving limbs and sometimes things just happen. So for fun, I stood behind her and let her just stand on the floor like we sometimes do. But today was different. She didn't just flail her feet. With me keeping her balance, she started to walk. Now if she sees something, if I'm holding her, she can get to it. It seems that even if she can't quite crawl yet, she'll learn how to be mobile in so many different ways all at once. She's also very tall for her age, and is already teething and eating baby food (at the pediatrician's request to help her gain weight.) I know it's not a race, but damn if I'm not proud of my little girl for being so advanced.

Now with DBSHype getting taken down, who is the next best leaker?Discussion

The community lost our best leaker yesterday. What do we do now to get our dragon ball fix early?

:seahawklogo: It's all been house money anyways

We've ran out of shit to talk early in the off season, so now we have to talk shit to the other divisions to keep ourselves occupied.

Broly and it ain't close.

BOG still has a special place in my heart since it was the first dragon ball content I could follow before it was released, so I was really hype about it.

Super Hero was fun and light hearted, although forgettable for the most part.

Rev F was...a movie.

Maximum Alabama has been reached

Yeah, that is a tough thing to do. I've experimented with different things like timed check, real-time activities, and even blending playing the game as part of the tabletop game. The short answer is you can't. You can recreate the story and level design, but the feeling of platforming just can't be recreated in a turn based tabletop game.

Shippuden started at the pein arc imo

I've been homebrewing a campaign. Did we just become best friends?

I can't not hear an Australian accent while reading this.

Is the Raikage beating the pains? No.

Is Danzo beating the pains? No.

Why do you think Sasuke beats the pains if he struggled with both the raikage and danzo?

I may get down voted for this, but I don't think powercreep is inherently a bad thing. What causes frustration is when powercreep fundamentally changes the feel of the game. So far, the design team has done a decent job keeping hearthstone feeling like hearthstone.

Two glaring issues though are that increased board control efficiency is encouraging more in-hand lethality, making playing for board less viable as a play vector.

Powercreep is unavoidable if you want to keep your players engaged with current content. You have to make the new shiny update powerful, otherwise people won't play it. The trick is designing around powercreep so that you can't just destroy everything on your opponent's board with one or two cards, forcing them to go over the top with lethal.

I don't have the answer to this problem, but if I could steer the game in a certain direction, I think just increasing everyone's starting health to 40 would be the way to go.

Games would run longer, but only by a turn or two. Slower decks can be meta viable again, and players will be less likely to combo out lethal in a single turn. Plus, it allows some breathing room if you can't full clear a board, letting you develop your own game plan without having to worry as much about dying to your opponent next turn.

As an anecdote to this idea, recall the Prince Renethal meta. He was a guarantee include in almost any deck for the entire time he pushed players' health to 40. Aggro players complained somewhat, but not nearly as much as you would think because they too were running renethal for the added advantage of not dying as easily to combo decks.

Maybe not everyone would enjoy the change, but I do think it could be well received by a majority of the community. Even if blizzard is hesistant to test the idea, there's no shame in making the change during a seasonal event, and if it does poorly, just revert it at the end of the event. But if it does well, keep it after the event and make a surprising but well liked change.

Both are freaks of nature, but only one of them acts like a freak of nature when on screen.

You're either born on the spectrum, or you're not. Nothing can cause autism after birth.

I have a 5mo kid that is universally considered a great baby. I have a job that is extremely flexible and low on demand most days. Even still, there are times that I cannot be both Dad and an employee at the same time. Knowing what is expected of you at all times is paramount. As much as your kid has a schedule, you do too. Naps are a godsend, so do what you can while they're asleep. Letting them play by themselves is good, but they're still a kid. They will get loud at inopportune times. You have some control over that, but not always. I just try my best to work around her, not with her.

I feel like this sums up being a dad. Split second reactions, making questionable decision, astounding follow through, minimal casualties.

We're not perfect, and we're asked to be so in every moment and through extraordinary situations. But we make it work out somehow.