I didn't like it when they started taking money from Amazon and/or Meta (I can't remember which).

Get something with an IR blaster, or take a universal remote and shut them off.

According to MAGA, North Korea IS Best Korea, because Teump and KJU have exchanged love letters, and met. Plus, Trump saluted a NK General.

Well, they can't build it right now because their main fund collector (Bannon) I'd in prison. Why, you ask? Well, it's because he embezzled donations to their funds to Build The Wall! 

Remind MAGA they had both chambers AND the White House for two years! 

U/psycholepzy labeled their movement a "Phobiarchy", which is apt.

I have yet to meet a single person who 100% follows their texts, and there's no way any P2025 follower even follows it all. It's worse than if L Ron Hubbard were to run anything large.

Fuck, that is such a good way to describe MAGA and the conservative movement in general.

Maybe he just likes to watch death and destruction while touching himself inappropriately? 

If someone claims to be an originalist or Constituionalist, tell them that means they don't agree with the amendments.

Why couldn't he have been in the car with his sister-in-law?

Anybody running for office, or as a judge, should first be asked, "How will you act if you don't win?"

Or slobber on the phone about Trump not doing enough about all immigrants, especially trophy wives from Slovenia.

"MAGA: Bad with the truth, Bad for America."

"Trump lies about his height, his business and his support. Send him a wakeup call at the ballot box."

"McConnell freezes, Trump lies constantly, and MAGA accepts foreign money. Set America straight by voting D."

"JD Vance: wrong about his height, wrong for Ohio."

Remember "Joe the Plumber" who claimed to be a regular Ohioan voting for McCain? It turns out he wasn't a plumber, and his name wasn't Joe. Republicans always trying to lead the country and media by the nose. Don't let them write the narrative, or make people feel it's over.

Thank you for doing this. Keep posting P2025 info, and keep up the positive pressure on MAGA.

Was there autism before Covid and its vaccine? These people just spurt out the shortest attention span garbage to be first in the comments, never caring how wrong they are.

Wait until their convention.

Ronald Reagan enabled the downward ramp to be built; in fact, he was the first one on!

California by itself is the world's 7th-largest economy. Compare red state education levels to blue states, compare health, etc. By almost no metric are red states better to live in than blue states.

Polls are a glimpse, but look how wrong polls have been in previous elections. Remember that people vote, land and donors don't.